Chapter 16

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   Hinatas pov

   but it was too late, a hand grabbed me by the collar of my haori and started to drag me away. I looked up to see a soft smile on the silhouette of-..... wait... soft?

   I squinted to see a little closer only to see... KAGEYAMA!?!?" "what are you doing here!?!? you could be killed!" I whisper yelled, "yea and you almost were just now, you can thank me later," he said starting to run.

   "I am not thanking anybody, but I do have to ask, did you even ever leave? were you just staying here? because I think Hotaru would have smelled you." I asked purely out of confusion.

    "no, I snuck away from the group, I felt guilty leaving you" he admitted, and not going to lie it was pretty sweet. "wait... how? arent there like... 100 people there?" I asked again. "hey, even you said I was good at sneaking" he stated.

   "... yea but they are gonna notice sooner or later, and plus, it is their whole job right now to look after you and make sure you are not missing. when I complimented you about that I was daydreaming, not focusing on where you were at that exact same moment!" I scolded him.

   he was silent and I could see the guilt pouring out from him, "I'm sorry, I just- I just don't wanna lose you ok" he apologized.

   I sighed and accepted his apology with a small chuckle.

   "y'know I never thought that I would have to say this to you but, fear is a valuable emotion, you need to learn how to express it," Kageyama said, looking around and tightening his grip on Hinata's hand, you could tell they were trying to be aware of his surroundings.

   wait... I've heard that before I thought. "y...yeah" I was able to muster out, I was aware of how exhausted my voice seemed but I just ignored it. I soon regained my composure and now had taken the lead from him.

   "What about the others?"I asked again, starting to get really confused. "as far as I know, they went this direction" they answered nodding their head in the direction we were going, he stopped both of us and started looking around some nearby bushes, "yea I doubt they are all gonna be behind that tiny bush," I said sarcastically.

   why did I say that? "let me try" I said as I pushed him out of the way. I bent down to look at whatever Kageyama thought could be clues.

   but... something, something was wrong, then suddenly my body moved before my brain could, and when I opened his eyes, there was Hotaru... and I had saved Kageyama.

   my sword rattled against the claw of the demon and soon we separated, but soon I found a problem, my body was giving up on me, and I was tired... I hadn't been this tired in my entire life!

   but to my fortune, he noticed this. "oh my, looks like someone here is getting tired!" he clapped with joy. "i- I just" I was panting at this point, trying so hard to stand up.

   a wicked smile grew on his face and I was dull with anger. then he muttered one thing... "demons don't play by the rules" then he lunged...

   it was way too fast for Kageyama to see, but I could. I was screaming at my body, move! MOVE! but it wouldn't.

   his claws were inches away from his neck, and I couldn't do anything. my legs, it was like they were glued to the ground. but my arms, sure they felt heavy but... I willed them to move, I willed them to draw my GOD DAMED SWORD!

   then I muttered...

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