Chapter 12

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 Storm breathing, first form: scorching twister

   You could almost see the acceleration in his limbs, the life in his eyes, and the adrenaline in his veins.

 As he sprinted forward he shot a barrage of 3 quick slashes, the demon managed to dodge the first 2 easily but the third barely cut the edge of his cheek, and both opponents ran at each other unleashing slashes and scratches.

   There standing in the midst of it all were just average volleyball players. no one knew what the heck was happening or what the fuck that 'guy' was because it definitely was not human... but Hinata... what was he hiding, what was he doing, no! how was he doing that, how was he moving as fast as lightning, how was he using a sword to that extent!

   The storm hashira pointed his sword toward the demon and ran full speed, somehow he managed to dodge it but Hinata thought fast, and instead, he pounded him with the hilt of his sword and landed near the volleyball teams.

   The demon flew back to the edge of the sphere as Hinata got closer to the volleyball teams doing everything in His power to protect them. no one knew quite what to say or if they can move, but one thing was for sure, they were not getting on his bad side anymore... you know, if they actually make it out alive.

   Hinata cracked his neck then, with his sword still in his hand, brought his pointer fingers up and made an ark, pointing towards the hole where he broke the trees.

   "What is he doing?" whispered Tanaka, "sign language, he said go, through the hole" Yachi instructed. "but-" Kageyama was cut off by Hinata folding his hands into ys and bringing them down to his waist, "now, he says now" Yachi translated for everybody.

   "COME ON!" Daichi whisper shouted "Hinata says so, we can trust him even though we don't know what is happening, he probably does... right"  everyone didn't really have the choice but to agree with that, and soon they were rushing toward the makeshift exit.

   "Hey, my snacks" the demon pouted scaring everyone, how fast he got back "well I'm afraid I can fix that too!" the sphere started to morph, encasing everyone once more, "you see, everyone has a shadow, whether they like it or not! but, ever since lord muzan gave me more of his blood, I've been able to control shadows, not just melt into them. you are in my world now, and I'm afraid you people will be my midnight snack!"

   "So my suspicions were right, you are Hotaru, one of the oldest demons in existence, people couldn't catch you because you would just slip into the shadows with your blood demon art, huh," Hinata said

   "Aww, you know who I am! oh, you guys just make me feel so special! but... on with the murder!" Hotaru exclaimed in a sing-songy voice while jumping up and down "oh I just love, love LOVE marechis!!! but I think you already know that. so let us get on with this shall we!" he was practically shouting at this point due to how excited he was.

   The 2 opponents ran at each other once more and unleashed barrages of attacks faster than the eye could see, one would attack and one would block, then switch, an endless game for the demon, and a horrible match for the hashira.

   Storm breathing, first form: scorching twister

   "Ah, ah, ah, that won't work on me again," Hotaru said tauntingly as he managed to dodge all 3 slashes, as Hinata flew past him he managed to turn his body in mid-air and jump off of a tree.

   While turning around, Hotaru saw Hinata and tried to dodge but unfortunately for him, he was not as fast as lightning, a thud could be heard as his arm hit the ground, Hinata was just able to cut it off!

   But what he saw when he looked back horrified him to the very bones.

   The wicked demon had already regenerated it. "no way... only an upper moon should be able to regenerate an entire limb that quickly!" Hinata shouted. "I told you didn't I? lord muzan sacrifices some of his blood for me, and honestly, I thought you would be stronger." Hotaru taunted.

The Storm Hashira (haikyuu x demon slayer) (ADOPTED!)Where stories live. Discover now