Chapter 14

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   As the taller male stroked his fingers in between the soft orange strands of silky hair on the head of the other, his eyes began to flicker open.

   He shot up as if he were in distress and yelled something about waffles, "huh...what?" Hinata said looking around clearly very confused, he pulled his hand up and started re-tracing the events that had occurred the day before.

   "And then I built the... and the stars... and the...kiss..." you could hear his murmuring as his cheeks flushed a faint pink.

   "But! everyone!" in a flash he took his boyfriend's hand (who had just been watching Hinata break down in embarrassment) and took a deep breath, Kageyama heard him mumble something that sounded like

Total concentration

   And in one moment the world seemed to speed up, er, no. it slowed down, or... they sped up they were running faster than Kageyama ever imagined in his dreams, faster than any superhero could,  (with the exception of flash... in the live-action... that's a great show, I'm on season 5 rn... wait I'm getting off-topic) and certainly faster than any normal human could EVER. but I think at this point Kageyama knew that Hinata was not normal... not anymore. 

   Within a few seconds, they were at the cabin where a few others were awake and outside, Kuroo was chopping wood on a tree stump and which bokuto was getting, a few others were outside, but only a few of them were morning people, those included Kuroo and Bokuto (obviously) Suga Nishinoya and Tanaka, and lev, who were all helping set up and look for things in the piles of scrap.

   Daichi and Yaku were also awake but did not really look like it. Hinata was guessing the only reason they were awake was that they were trying to supervise the area so nothing burned down.

   Kuroo called out to them and waved, Hinata waved back but after a few seconds Kuroo was met with a very confused face. "where did you get an axe?" Hinata said genuinely confused... he also looked kind of concerned, the space was quiet for a second when everyone realized they had not actually brought an axe with them, and it occurred to them that the axes had just appeared the previous day when they needed them to cut down some trees to build the house. so they had no idea how he had gotten the sharp object.

   Kuroo was quiet for a second before he said "I brought it" with a big dopey grin. the place froze somehow even more... "why did you bring an axe!?!?" Hinata screamed out of pure confusion. 

   The roster-haired fellow just ignored the comment and taunted the 2 for sneaking away, or as he quoted it " so what did you guys do over there huh?" with a smirk.

   "Oh shut up!" Hinata said embarrassed, "we were just looking at the stars!" defended Kageyama. "all night?" he said somehow increasing the level of snobyness that was in his smirk from before.

   "Oh yea! that crow of yours kept squawking all night, could ya go see what he wants?" Kuroo said just as if the previous conversation had not happened.

   "Oh yeah sure" he smiled innocently as he dragged Kageyama away by the back part of the collar of his shirt, meanwhile Kageyama glared at the other and Kuroo stuck his tongue out.

   They traveled over in the direction Kuroo had nodded to and sure enough, there was Kuragari spazing out... except he had been tied to a tree. Hinata took it off and ignored it, not willing to admit he had also done that once... 

   "Kuragari what is it now?" Hinata sighed. "mission! mission!" he squawked. Hinata was quiet for a second... "what?" he said tilting his head. "mission! from headquarters!"

   Hinata froze with a blank face. "wait, what do you mean, I'm already kind of on a mission." he stated.

   "No!" the small crow squawked, "this, this is only a marechi warning! this is now a real mission" while fluttering his wings around, stretching them like he couldn't a few seconds earlier.

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