I'm Okay (Day 3)

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Ray's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone making a "ping!" sound next to my face. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I picked it up. Who the hell is texting me at 6 AM?! I click on the unread messages button. It's from Brian. This can't be good.  

 "He just called me again. He is drunk off his ass! What happened? I couldn't get anything out of him."     Dammit!     I jump out of my bed and tear Gerard's curtain away. Not there. I struggle into my shoes and throw a jacket on. Thank God nobody else woke up. I can't deal with Mikey right now. I throw the door open and run down the steps. WHAM! I trip on something right outside the door.     

 "Ugh. What the fuck?! Gerard...?" He was laying on the ground outside the bus. I must have tripped on him in my rush to get out the door. There's a pile of puke next to him. At least he  had managed to avoid it when he collapsed. I roll him over and notice his forehead, he only has a few scrapes but there is blood running down his face. I sigh and grab him around the middle, I try to pick him up but I'm not strong enough. Just then the door opens, I look up at Bob as he descends the steps.     "What's going on out here... is that Gerard?" He already knows the answer of course.     

 "Just help me get him into his bed and then I will explain" I tell him and he picks up Gerard's bottom half and we move him into the bus, placing him in his bed. I grab a paper towel and wipe the dried blood off his face. Then I go into the bathroom and dig around in Gerard's bag until I find his foundation. I smear some over the scrapes on his face and hope that Mikey won't notice. The less stress we can cause the kid the better.     

 I lead Bob back outside and get the hose from the back of the bus. I hook it up and wash the pavement off so that nobody will question the mess.     

 "Okay! So, I woke up to my phone going off in my ear and it turns out Brian had texted me this" I show him the text.     

 "Shit, this is bad." he says.     

 "Yep. This is pretty bad. I just don't understand why he would do this. I know it's hard but he's stronger this... at least I thought he was." The sun was starting to come up.    

  "I think you should talk to him. He seems to listen to you more than the rest of us, probably because you aren't as screwed up as the rest of us."     

 "Don't say that! If anybody is screwed up, it's Gerard. I'm trying not to be mad at him but it's kind of hard."     

 "Well, I don't even know what to do. All I know is that we have to fix him before something really bad happens."    

 "You probably didn't know Bob, but before the band started, he had some really bad problems. That's actually when the drinking started. He was super depressed and he was even suicidal. That's why Mikey is so freaked out right now. He thought that those days were behind them but now, it's getting thrown back in his face. The pills he takes are for his depression but his is so immune to them by now that they don't work for long and aren't as effective anymore. He has become addicted to them. I don't know what else he's on but it's some kind of drug and I think it's even more addictive than pills and alcohol. So in other words, yes. Something way worse could happen. And I don't know what to do either." Well I managed to get it all out in a relatively short statement but Bob was still a little surprised at all I had to say.     "Wow. I didn't know it was that bad before. This is really bad. We have to think of some way to help him... Auugh! I hate this! Being so useless as my friend slowly drinks his life away sucks ass!"     

 "I know. I know! just keep your voice down. I will talk to him later. Will you just try to get Frank and Mikey out of the bus for a while later today?"     

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