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"THE MOON IS so pretty tonwight!" Y/n exclaimed brightly as she stared at the sky that was painted wonderfully with a brilliant shade of navy

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"THE MOON IS so pretty tonwight!" Y/n exclaimed brightly as she stared at the sky that was painted wonderfully with a brilliant shade of navy. Stars decorated the night canvas like jewels. It was a brilliant night. "You know what's prettier?" a pink haired creature asked softly while tearing his gaze away from the night sky and on to the small figure that nestled safely in his marked arms. 

"Me! I'm prwettier!" Y/n cheered loudly as Akaza chuckled. "Correct. How'd you know?" Akaza raised a brow while tilting his head to the side as he gazed down on the small child. "Papwa always says it everyday!" Y/n huffed with a giddy smile. She placed her small tiny hands on her cheeks. "Y/n fweels so flwattered," Y/n said happily before she collapsed into Akaza's arms and flopped onto her stomach before cuddling his figure. "Akazwa is pretty too!" Y/n exclaimed inclusively. 

Akaza's cheeks burnt red out of embarrassment. "Really? You really think Pinky is beautiful?" Akaza said with a silent voice. "Yweah! I mean hwave you looked at yourself, you're so prettwy, one day Y/n wanna have ywellow eyes like Pinkwy," Y/n closed her eyes and relaxed herself in his arms. "I wanna be as beautiufl as Pinkwy, but too bwad I'll never be," she sweatdropped silently. 

Akaza silently melted in adoration for the small child. How adorable! He's screaming internally about the child's compliments. It's been a while since he's received one-- and you could say; receiving one from a child is the pure definition of pride and heaven for him. 

Especially if that child is Y/n. 

Muzan has entrusted the pink-haired demon to take care of the child for this special night. He must relocate his location because the area has a high stake of criminality; to ensure the little child's safety, Muzan decided to relocate into a more modern and fancy city instead of the city that they used to live in which was now flooded with old drunken men and vandals. 

Tomorrow's night, Y/n will move from her city; and her second home, the school she went to since she was younger. Y/n didn't know any of this though. Tomorrow's the last day she'll be going to the school who nurtured her. Tomorrow will be the day she'll disappear without any goodbyes to her best friend, Kuno. 

Akaza smiled warmly down at Y/n as he placed strands of her h/c hair behind her ear. "Go sleep now, Dearest," Akaza patted Y/n's head warmly. He stroked her hair in silence, waiting for her to sleep. "Goodnwight Akwaza," Y/n yawned as her tight grip loosened around Akaza's waist. "Goodnight, my dear," Akaza said silently. He continued stroking and patting the small girl's head soothingly, waiting patiently till she's really asleep.

The eyeball in the bush peered silently over the small girl that was skipping through the school's gate with an ice sculpture that so resembles a certain blonde demon. "Y/n!" a familiar squeak was heard loudly as a figure bolted through the gates and tackled Y/n into a hug. "I mwissed you swo much! It's been swo long since we met!" the white haired boy chirped loudly as he hugged the small girl tightly. "Kuno! Get off me, you rwat!" Y/n pushed the boy out of her way and sat up as she brushed the dust off of her kimono before sticking out her tongue towards the boy. 

"WAAA! You call me a rat again, ywou're so mean!!" Kuno exclaimed loudly as tears glossed her eyes; insults from Y/n never failed to hurt his little heart. "How am I mwean if I'm saying facts?" Y/n raised a brow seriously. "Tch!! You can't do that to ywour friends!" Kuno stood up and stomped on the ground like a typical toddler. 

"That's mwean!" Kuno chirped. "Whatever," Y/n rolled her eyes in disinterest. "Bye Blondie, I'll see ywou after school," Y/n changed the topic and waved at the ice figure. The ice figure smiled sweetly at Y/n before disappearing into the unknown. Kuno lend his small hand out for Y/n to grab. "Thwanks," Y/n said before grabbing it but Kuno swiped his hands away. "Sike!" Kuno teased. Y/n fell to the ground lightly before bursting out into a set of giggles. 

"Now that's how you treat your bwest friends!" 

Kuno sighed before offering his hand. Y/n grabbed it as he pulled her to her feet. "Now let's gwo to class!" Kuno exclaimed loudly as he entwined his small hands with Y/n's smaller ones. "Okway, lead the way!" Y/n chirped brightly. 

Kuno and Y/n walked hand in hand as they passed the school's gates together. Y/n blabbered loudly about random things that she and the upper moons has done together while Kuno only throw several comments here and there. 

"TAG! YOU'RE IT!" y/n exclaimed out of nowhere before dashing away, letting go of Kuno's hands. Kuno rolled his eyes in disapproval and called out for Y/n. "Ywou know it's not allowed to run around the hallways!" Kuno exclaimed. "I dwon't CWA-" Y/n was about to reply before she stepped on a broken wooden plank, and plummeted to the unknown. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Y/n screeched out of panic and shock. "Y/N!!" Kuno's voice shouted. 

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