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THE TWO children walked through the never ending meadows as the breeze settled upon the two

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THE TWO children walked through the never ending meadows as the breeze settled upon the two. "Where is thwe end of thwis mweadow?!" Y/n complained loudly--- clearly frustrated on why the meadow was so wide ranged. "I know right?" Kuno agreed with a nod as he tightened his grip on to her small hand. 

Y/n lead the boy into the unknown. It's as if a blind person was guiding another blind person; they were lost. After what felt like hours, they've finally stepped onto clear grass, no flowers decorated the grass. Beyond the area, the place looked dark. It spooked Y/n and Kuno. 

The meadows were bright, rich in colors, it unconsciously soothed the two children, but here they are. Standing in front of a dark and monotonous forest. Y/n huffed and puffed her chest bravely. Entwining her hands with Kuno's, they looked at each other with a longing gaze that reassured one another before they nodded in sync. 

Y/n started to stroll into the forest, leading Kuno towards the deep lush forest. "This place is scwary," Kuno hiccuped as he gazed his surroundings with a fearful tint in his cerulean colored eyes. It was getting dark, the sun was falling gracefully as the ink started tainting the skies. Y/n's stomach grumbled. She hadn't eaten a single bit of food since the morning. 

Kuno noticed it-- his stomach too was growling in anger. He perked up, remembering he had brought a pack of rice crackers in the pocket of his yukata. He stopped in his tracks, which caught Y/n's attention. "What iws it thwis time, Kuno?" Y/n asked questioningly at him as she threw a perplexed expression at him. 

"Ywou must be hwungry and tired, why don't we just swit down and enjoy some rice crwackers?" Kuno asked sweetly, offering the girl all of his rice crackers. The girl stared down at the food he was holding, her e/c eyes twinkled. Her heartbeat started quickening its pace. 'What is this feeling?' she thought to herself. 'It's the same feeling I got when I saw Kokushibo,' she recalled. 

'Was it called love?' she asked herself in her head cluelessly. Her brain was bombarded with questions, her heart drove into insanity. Her cheeks flared up, feeling so extremely meek all of the sudden. "Tsk, kweep it, I'm nwot hungry nwor am I twired," Y/n lied with a huff, too flustered to accept the sweet offer-- however in reality, she was beyond tired and hungry. 

Kuno huffed. "You've always bween this stubbworn," he commented before he opened one of the packaging of the rice crackers and pulled it out. The scent drifted towards Y/n's nose as her mouth watered. "Say aahh," Kuno exclaimed. "Aaaah," Y/n gave in as she opened her mouth. Kuno pushed the rice cracker into her mouth gently as Y/n bit on to it, devouring it messily in front of her best friend. She finished the rice cracker within a matter of seconds. 

Kuno then opened another package of the same cracker, and offered it to Y/n. "Are ywou not gonna eat twoo?" Y/n asked, blinking at him with disbelief. "Have it," Kuno offered the cracker towards her. Y/n swallowed before taking the rice cracker hesitantly. She stared at it for a while before she huffed. "Tch," she said before splitting the cracker into two. She offered it to Kuno. "Ywou hwave to eat too, ywou know," she said as she casted her gaze towards the left, feeling her face burn. 

Kuno tensed a bit before his cheeks flared bright red. He hesitantly took the piece that was offered by the girl and bit on to it slowly--- it tasted amazing. Her sister, Kubo, was truly very talented at cooking. He devoured it within seconds. The girl then gazed at the boy in front of her. 'Oh Kuno, why didn't you just keep your damn rice crackers to yourself? Can't you see that you're hungry yourself?' Y/n thought as her gaze melted. "Hwere, have the rwest," she said as she gently pushed the other piece to him. 

He grabbed it. "Thank ywou, but are ywou sure you don't want it?" he questioned silently. "I'm swure," Y/n nodded. Kuno felt his cheeks flared up as he slowly ate the cracker. Finishing it quite slowly. At this point, the sun has fully hid its face, the canvas in the sky was painted pitch black now, but it was decorated with twinkling jewels of the night. 

"Alrwight, we've got to get going, perhwaps we'll find a shelter nearby," Y/n beckoned. The air was icy. They didn't know where they were at all. The piece of clothing they wore weren't enough to keep them warm. "Let's cwontinue," Kuno nodded. The both of them continued strolling and wandering through the forest. Questions arose in their minds. 

What happens if they were stranded here forever? 

Is Kuno's sister still alive? 

Where is Muzan?

Where are they right now? 

Are their families looking for them? 

How did they get into this position? 

What will happen if they don't end up surviving? 

What will happen if they can't find shelter? 

What will happen if they don't have food to eat? 

Kuno sniffed a bit as tears glossed over his lapis-colored eyes. He was asking too much, yet no answers were provided. It broke his heart. He didn't want to be in this situation. His sister must be worrying over him--- not seeing her little brother running out of the school grounds and embracing her legs because she was ten times taller than the boy--- she would be beyond worried. 

Meanwhile, Y/n heaved out a silent sigh. Her e/c eyes glowed with a gleaming beam of determination. Y/n knew that perhaps right now there is no way out of this situation, but you wouldn't know if there will be a way out tomorrow, right? If she was going to give up right now, there won't be tomorrow, therefore, there wouldn't be a way out of this situation. However, if she continued on, pushing through all the miseries and agonies which they'll probably have to face in the nearby future,  she'll see a gleam of hope-- a way out. A glimpse of hope. 

Y/n stopped in her tracks when she noticed she stepped on something with a weird hard surface. She looked down to see a path made of stones, trailing into the distance. She blinked repeatedly, she saw something as her eyes twinkled brightly--- there it is. 

A glimpse of hope. 

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