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Y/N'S EYES fluttered open to see light beaming on to her laying figure

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Y/N'S EYES fluttered open to see light beaming on to her laying figure. 'What happened?' She thought tiredly, her vision blurred as she still felt exhaustion washing over the shores of her heart. She still felt beyond overwhelmed. 

"Y/n-chan! Oh, thank the heavens you've awoken! I was getting worried. How are you feeling?" Tanjiro asked warmly, his face was beaming, though there was still a strong note of worry in her expression. Y/n blinked again, and soon enough her vision cleared up. She saw a red-haired boy staring at her with worry in his face. "Wh--Where is Y/n?" She managed to mutter quietly. 

"Oh-- Oh wait, I'm Y/n," Y/n said dizzily as she forced herself to stand up. "What happwened? Who are ywou?" Y/n asked the red-haired boy with big e/c eyes. She, for some reason, couldn't remember about any of the previous events. She had forgotten everything. 

Tanjiro's eyes widened a bit, pretty stunned on how the girl had just forgotten about everything. "Amnesia," a voice entered, Y/n's head craned to face a man with a bushy mustache, his head was well-trimmed as he wore a clean white coat. He was a doctor. "The girl is having amnesia, most likely due to the intense trauma little Y/n had faced," the doctor said. 

"What's a trwauma?" Y/n asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "Do you remember what's your name?" The doctor asked. Y/n fell silent. What was her name? She couldn't remember. "N-Nwo?" Y/n answered with a bit of fear hinting in her voice. "Do you remember who your best friend was?" he questioned. "No," Y/n said silently. "Do you know what have you witnessed in the temple?" he asked once again. "No," Y/n shook her head. 

"Do you remember who are your parents?" he asked. 

Y/n stayed quiet. She clenched a handful of her futon and scrunched her face. She has to have had parents, right? But-- Why can't she remember anything? She couldn't remember who were her parents. "No," Y/n shook her head, sighing as she gave up on trying to answer the difficult question. 

"There's no chance she'll remember her past, I'm sorry," the doctor announced with a voice of pity. An old man who was sitting next to him looked at Y/n with wonder. "I will be taking my leave now. She'll need a lot of rest, and energy. It's best to make her well-balanced food. You'll have to be patient with her, and make sure that she's nurtured well, amnesia has no cure, but the people around the girl will determine whether she'll be cured from it or not," the doctor explained, he stood up and took his leave. 

The old man next to him stood up to escort him away, muttering appreciative comments towards him. "You've been asleep for 2 months," Tanjiro whispered under his breath. A moment of silent broke. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise. '2 months?' She pondered in astonishment. 'How am I still alive then?' The child blinked repeatedly in amazement. 

"I almost--" Tanjiro teared up, he couldn't hold his tears in anymore, as his burgundy-colored eyes glossed. "I almost thought I lost you," tears ran down from his eyes. "I almost thought I lost you and Nezuko," he whispered as he covered his face with his hands, overwhelmed by joy and relief, yet with hints of embarrassment. 

Y/n gazed at Tanjiro with her e/c eyes tinted in astonishment. Her eyes softened a bit at the sight of Tanjiro crying. Y/n forced herself to stand up and walk towards Tanjiro. Tanjiro's eyes widened in surprise. Y/n kneeled down to embrace Tanjiro into a warm hug. "I mway nwot know who ywou are, but I prwomise that I'll nwever leave your side again," she said with a gentle voice. A voice so warm that it was warm enough to melt Tanjiro's heart. Tanjiro dug his head on to her shoulders and continued crying. 

Even if they barely knew each other, Tanjiro had vowed to become Y/n's older brother. To lost her immediately tormented the burgundy-haired boy. He pulled away from the hug and sniffled, clearing his tears with the sleeve of his checkered haori, he smiled warmly at the girl. "I'm Kamado Tanjiro, your older brother," Tanjiro introduced. "Owh!" Y/n exclaimed, she let go of the bigger man and looked innocently at Tanjiro. 

Y/n peered behind Tanjiro-- at the mirror that held her look. She looked different; far different that Tanjiro himself. "If we're swiblings, why dwo we look so diffwerent?" Y/n asked quietly. "We found you in a nearby temple," Tanjiro explained. "You weren't related to us by blood, but you are still a Kamado either way," Tanjiro's eyes wrinkled as his benevolent smile grew. 

"Owh! Kamado Y/n! I sound prwetty cute!" Y/n praised herself for her beautiful name. Tanjiro chuckled silently. He wiped his remaining tears away and patted Y/n's head. "Let's get to know each other then, Y/n," Tanjiro said enthusiastically. "Okay!" Y/n exclaimed. "What's your favorite anwimal, Onii-chan?" Y/n asked happily. "I lwove cats!" Y/n cheered as sparkles erupted around her brightly. 

"I don't particularly have a favorite animal, but cats are gorgeous," Tanjiro said with a happy smile. Y/n plopped down on the floor. "Huff! I'm twired," Y/n said silently. "Hm, what abwout ywour favorite food?" Y/n asked. "Mwine's bento! I love me some bwentos!" Y/n raised both of her arms in the air with excitement. 

"Bentos are amazing! I love tempuras!" Tanjiro exclaimed with bright red eyes. Y/n's eyes sparkled. "Tempuras are the best twoo," Y/n exclaimed in agreement. Tanjiro slipped his arms under Y/n's arms and carried her to his lap. He caressed Y/n's h/c hair. They conversed into a conversation, getting to know each other from the surface and to the deepest depths of their hearts. How Tanjiro's family were no longer alive, how they died, and what he felt during this all. He must admit, Y/n was a good listener, and a good mood booster too. 

"It's alrwight, Onii-chan," Y/n patted Tanjiro's hands that were holding on to her in a firm grip. "You will always hwave me and Onee-san! We'll nwever leave your swide, and I'm pretty sure that our mwother is very proud of us. She's vwery proud that you're going to bwe a great swordsman, and she'll be prwoud of me becawuse-- I'll stwick to mwy promise!" Y/n exclaimed happily with a bright smile. Tanjiro felt his heart melting as he brought Y/n into his tight embrace. 

"Of course she would, she'll be beyond proud," Tanjiro whispered, making Y/n close her eyes and hum happily. "I love ywou, Onii-san," Y/n mumbled into his ears softly. "I love you more, Y/n," Tanjiro's grip tightened-- he shut his eyes, cherishing the very seconds that passed by. He didn't wanna let go of her. 

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