What a surprise!

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Somehow I hated being at home. For me home was a place that was filled with toxic. Each time I had to think about getting home I could feel my stomach being upset. It just felt heavy and the pressure I feel when I get inside. Nothing could compare to this at all.

Me: At least they let me be alone.

Thinking about it...

I wonder what they are doing downstairs.

Probably celebrating till the night.

My stomach startes to growl at me since I haven't eaten anything at all. Today was just a busy day and it was over the top to think that they would give me good. I knew that whenever I wanted food I hat to buy it myself or pay for the ingredients. Nothing was free for me in this household and I knew that.


I can't go down now!

Not with them celebrating like this...

Guess today I'll end up with nothing.

... Again...

Why is it so hard to live?

I never wanted to get abandoned!

I never asked for them to still hold on to me!

I wanted them to put me up to adoption!

Can't believe they didn't do that.

I did beg them...

Come to think of it, I even destroyed things because of that.


Get your shit together!

They are not worth it.

Me: *sigh*

There was really nothing I could do then to give up food for today. I was exhausted and I sure didn't had the energy to even argue with them at all. So once I was in my room and flopped onto my bed, I was already gone. I mean I was way to exhaust. All I did was work my ass of and for what? I didn't even know it myself.

Unfortunately my sleep kept rather short since all of the sudden a cold ice bucket and laughing woke me up.

Me: The fuck bitch!

Yona: Serves you right!

Me: Why did you do that?

Yona: Mom wants you downstairs.

What a beat!

I am working my ass of and you are being spoiled rotten.

Me: Tell her I'll be down in a few.

Yona: Tell it to her yourself!

Me: A true Hoe showing her nature.

Yona: Better than a villainous bitch like you.

Me: Tsk!

It hurt hearing that from her but there wasn't anything I could do about it. Instead of listening to the sane nonsense she was spreading each and everytime, I decided tha this time, oh this time I would get out of here.

Nothing was stopping me from getting out of my own house. I basically live hear and I couldn't stand it anymore. Of course I wassad to leave everything behind because there were some stuff that I really valued but screw that. I had to get of here for now.

My blood was already boiling and I knew from experience that if I would stay here any longer than I would force activite my own quirk. This could end bad for both of us.

Screw you damn witch!

You can burn in purgatory!

Was it easy to get out of my house, no since my dear sister decided to block me from getting out. Me of course having enough, I decided to push her. What a drama queen she was. Oh what great show she could pull up because she fell down and screamed.

I didn't cared for it and went straight for the door as fast I could.

Mother: You damn villain! Is this how you pay us back?

Father: How can you do that to her? You monster! I wish we would have killed you.

Mother: I wish I would have just abandoned you the moment we found out what a beast you are.

It hurt. Each word hurt but I didn't care. Something like this wasn unusual anymore and so when I went to the door without even looking back, ai felt my eyes sting for a bit. I was way to used to be thrown into an emotional chaos that I forgot what it meant to be really happy. To put it simple I was tired of my life.

Fuck you!

Fuck this stupid life!

Who needs any of you?!

All you do is scream anyway.

I am done with this!

The moment I opened the door I crashed into a person which made me fall down or nearly fall down. I couldn't believe to see a chicken man in front of me. Goah how the smell of that chicken made me sick. I was hungry and I knew that if I was about to leave now, there was no turning back and I didn't care. Somewhat I felt relieved too.

So when I was standing again, I looked at the man and saw the same marks on the eyes like me and that bitch of a sister Yona has.

Me: Thanks.

That was all I said before getting out of that situation and past the man. Now was the time to spread my wings! It felt free the moment I took off and flew to the one beach which no one would take care off. It felt more home here than my own home.

How ridiculous that was.

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