How different the world can be...

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It's been a couple of months now that Hawks got me a job at his agency and it was the best thing ever happening to me. I mean all the people are really nice and they great me each day when I come to work. Sometimes even if Hawks is away I would find some kind of treat on my desk. To be honest I knew who was doing this and it was not even Hawks who told them to do it at all. It was in fact out of their own choice. Funny how I never thought this would happen at all until I got there and found out how different the world and people could be.

Me: KEI! We have a meeting with Endeavors agency to come up with a solution about some interns training.

I was now his secretary and today was a day like every other one. Nothing out of the ordinary. The moment I walked into his office, he came over and took the paper and left me with them after a quick glance. Oh I quickly foud out why all his past secretaries would quite the job after a month. This damn chicken hated paperwork and would always push it to the secretary. He was still doing it but he was getting better since there was no doing that with me and he found that out after I kinda threw it at him once. HEY! Don't blame me for that! He did say that it was too much and that I should chuck it out the window. He just never specified when and where sooo I threw it at the right moment when he was getting out.

Keigo: It's today?

Me: Yup in an hour.

Keigo: Oh... sooo wanna fly there?

Me: You do know I still can't fly that well...

Keigo: And I will be right next to you.

Me: Alright but no break because you are hungry and craving chicken you damn big rooster.

Keigo: Ama just ignore what you said and pretend you said I was a nice big brother.

Me: Your choice.

Keigo:  Do you need to bring anything with you?

Me: Nope. I was told to talk to his new secretary and then work it together with that person while you two chose how to devide the people.

Keigo: HAHAHAHA He just wants his son in his agency.

Me: Shoto?

Keigo: Yup. He started UA this year and should be in the first year or something like that.

Me: Ah I see....

Keigo: Are you sure you don't wanna be a hero like your big brother... amazing big brother if I may add?

Me: No thank you! I am happy with what I am doing.

Keigo: Are you sure?

Me: Yup.

Keigo: I am sure you now know why no one would take that position.

Me: I know but your workers are all amazing as well so I don't have any regrets.

Keigo: Hmm... maybe I should raise they paycheck a bit.

Me: Maybe.

Keigo: Anyways we better go now since you are not the fast flyer.

Me: I know but years of not using them is just that.

Keigo: I know which is why I am bringing you with me to every place I know is safe and is either a meeting, a gathering, fan convention or TV show or something like that.

Me: And you know that I am happy about it right?

Keigo: I know.

Me: So let's go now!

This never got old. I knew that Hawks was doing this for me and I really appreciated it since without him close by, I was not allowed to use my quirk at all and that also implied flying. It was years that I never flew anywhere and it was thanks to that that my muscles didn't develope as they should. After I staid with Keigo for a bit, he had a doctor examine them and they told us to take it slowly so that it wouldn't be too much for me.

Well this was one of the main reasons he would bring me with him while we were working. Otherwise we would just fly to the beach and back or to a resort or just nature. It was just fun spending some quality time with my brother and honestly we both needed it since I learned soo much about him and his past. Oh how little did I know that he went through worse than myself. 

Keigo: Alright and off we go!

Don't worry! Brother got your back! (Hawk's sister story)Where stories live. Discover now