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AUGUST 27 2019

Sayanni had been staring at the blue and white plastic stick for what felt like hours. Silent tears ran down her face as she read over the pixelated eight-letter word repeatedly. Her past decisions had finally punched her square in the face.

"Baby, you done in there? What it say?" She heard from the other side of the door, a bit muffled from the constant ringing in her ears.

"I'm pregnant." She inaudibly whispered more so to herself than anything trying to wrap her around the fact that this was real. The door to the bathroom began to jangle, breaking her from her thoughts. Sayanni stood to her feet, pushed the small stool back from under her and placed the pregnancy test on the counter.

She walked towards the door, unlocking it, tears continuing to fall from her face. She looked at Jeremiah with pleading eyes, hoping he could make all her fear go away. "Baby, what did it say?" He inquired, his brows furrowed as he moved to wipe the tears from her face as soon as he touched her she felt her heart break more and more.

Jeremiah softly placed his hands around her waist as he moved towards the counter, picking up the pregnancy test and putting it towards the light for him to see.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, her voice cracking as her sobs began to tear at her body. Apologizing couldn't fix the pain she felt, she didn't hadn't even start school yet and here she was pregnant, a month before starting her senior year.

Jeremiah and Sayanni hadn't even been dating for a month, they had been talking for a little over three and had made it official the week prior before all of this. "What do you want to do?" Jeremiah asked, turning to her, he was shocked to say the least. He had this pleasing look in his eyes for whatever she was about to say.

They had known each other for all but a couple months now. They hadn't even been on their first date yet. Everything was happening too fast and Sayanni could hear her world crumbling around her.

"I don't know." she whispered waiting for him to come up with an idea. He stayed silent his eyes switching from her and the test in his hand.

"Say something—please." she cried, her word caught with her tears and short gasps of air.

"Do you want to keep it? What if you take another one? It could be a false positive," Jeremiah rambled, squatting to look under her counter for another test, frantically opening and closing the cabinets beneath her sink.

"Jeremiah, stop," she let out pulling on his arm and grabbing the other four tests she took the day before out of the box, handing them to him.

"We can go to planned parenthood tomorrow or Saturday if you want to." Sayanni stated, assuming he didn't want to keep it. Turning from him to leave the bathroom and sit on her bed, grabbing the giant teddy bear he had gifted her. Hugging it to her chest in a way to comfort herself as she watched Jeremiah grab his things, pulling his jacket onto his body.

"I'll see you after school tomorrow, Yanni," He whispered before kissing her head and walking out the door. Sayanni had cried herself to sleep that night it was dawning on her just how much they had fucked up, Sayanni never had a full conversation about their decision with Jeremiah after that.

They never talked to eachother face to face. His mother didn't want anything to do with her or the baby, referring to the young girl as a tart everytime he mentioned her name or the baby.

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