4. being a woman

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DAEMON had spent that night racking his mind of all the possibilities where he had kissed Roseva that night — her plump lips on his, it kept him awake all night

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DAEMON had spent that night racking his mind of all the possibilities where he had kissed Roseva that night — her plump lips on his, it kept him awake all night.

Roseva was a temptress and she knew it. She knew the game she was playing for though Daemon may be a player but Roseva played their game better.

But now it was the day of the tournament, Roseva had been running down the staircase into the arms of her father — Boremund Baratheon who she had not seen in such time.

"Father, I have missed you", she smiled into his chest and the man patted her head like a child.

"My sweet girl", he gushed and moved away to pinch her red cheeks, making her scoff.

"Has the time been treating you well, father?".

"Very much so. Though I have missed my little Baratheon", Boremund smiled as his daughter rolled her eyes with a smile of her own — she looked more like her mother every time he saw her.

Rhaenyra ran down the stairs, red dress bunched in her hands as she turned the corner, looking for her Rose. Once spotted, Roseva turned when her name was called.

"Mother has gone into labour!", she smiled and Roseva cupped her cheeks with a light chuckle — blessed with the news.

"That is amazing! We must come to the tournament now", Roseva tried to usher her, forgetting her fathers presence as he watched the two fondly.

But Rhaenyra's protest had him near laughter at the apprehension on his daughters face, "I want to stay with her".

"You cannot, there's nothing for you to do as the maester is there and I can assure you, little Princess, she is in good hands".

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