9. weddings with no love

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ROSEVA BARATHEON was soon going to become Roseva Hightower

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ROSEVA BARATHEON was soon going to become Roseva Hightower.

The thought disgusted her beyond intent, her body flooding with pure discomfort and dread as Rhaenyra helped her into her wedding dress. She hated it, she hated how she looked in it because it was beautiful and it was everything she wanted her dress to be on her special day but it was all ruined because of Otto Hightower.

"Give me the word, Rose, and I'll burn him", Rhaenyra grumbled under her breath, her hands gripping the strings of the dress tightly in her hands, roping them together before letting them go, the dress now fitting Roseva properly.

Steffon snickered from the back of the room, sitting in the chair by the fireplace playing with his sword. Viserys agreed on his request to protect Roseva by being her guard, Otto defied but Viserys was the King so it passed.

Roseva's cousin was beyond furious that she had to marry a man like Otto, as well as the fact that it was actually the Hightower man she was marrying — it was beyond wrong but he was merely a man with no real title or leverage so therefore he had no say in the matter.

"I'd honestly let you, Rhae, but then things would become real bad for your father. Me marrying Otto is just how things need to be and we all", she looked to Steffon strongly when he scoffed, "just have to accept that".

"What about Daemon?", Rhaenyra quipped after Roseva, finding it hard to believe that the woman had just simply given up. Roseva looked to the young girl and hoped that she would always stay so innocent and believed in true love — Steffon looked up from his sword to shake his head with an eye roll — to him, Daemon was a cunt for leaving her after what they did and the only reason Roseva was in this mess was because of him.

"Daemon is gone and only the Gods know when he is coming back, besides he is already wed so we simply cannot be together anyway", Roseva fixed her hair as she spoke, looking at herself in the mirror but she couldn't even recognised the woman starring back at her.

The last year had been hard for Roseva, she had tried to figure herself out and where she fit into the role she was given, she was a lady in waiting for Rhaenyra Targaryen who was set to marry a sly Hightower when her heart was meant to be for someone else who had left her many times and is married to another woman.

"Mayhaps the Gods will change your course, Roseva. I simply cannot believe that they would make you suffer forever! Daemon is your epic love, ever since you first got here", Rhaenyra tried to uplift the mood as Steffon stood and swirled his cup of wine in his hand with a bitter face.

He hadn't known what to think of the Prince Daemon, Rhaenyra spoke highly of him because he was her uncle and Roseva was blinded by love but he saw clearly — if Daemon had any honour then he would have never done such inappropriate acts with his cousin, simple as.

But it wasn't so simple and he could see by the way Roseva's eyes fluttered to the floor every time Daemon was mentioned that her heart was breaking, she no longer cried over daemon or the fact that she was marrying Otto, she just looked away not being able to meet the eyes of the people who love her most.

She felt like a coward but she was simply a woman and she had nobody in power to fight her corner, if the Hand of the King wanted her as his wife then that was that, and there was nothing anybody could do about it because not even Viserys tried stopping it and that didn't sit right with her.

A knock on the her chamber door made her freeze, Rhaenyra frowned and Steffon huffed — all three knowing whoever was behind the door was going to tell them that the ceremony is ready.

Rhaenyra gracefully walked across the room and opened it timidly and not all the way so Roseva was covered from the person's view. "Princess, the Hand requested me to take Lady Roseva to the Ceremony".

The Princess nodded slightly at the knight and looked back at Roseva. The woman felt the back of her throat begin to burn and eyes water but she cleared her throat and walked forward. Rhaenyra moved out of the way as the woman exited and made her way down — the three behind her followed.

The Knight made his way into the ceremony room first followed by Rhaenyra who gave Roseva a sad smile before she left. Roseva closed her eyes and took in a deep breath before opening them when she felt a presence beside her.

Steffon looked ahead with a bitter distaste — her father couldn't make it to the wedding but she knew it was because he was ashamed of his decision and knew she was angry. She gripped onto his left arm, her fingers tightening around his tunic so hard it was bound to leave marks.

"Don't let me fall", she whispered as the doors opened, revealing the people and Otto at the end of the room.

Steffon placed his other hand on hers and patted it softly, "Never".

Then they walked . . .

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*short chapter to get to the next episode of hotd

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*short chapter to get to the next episode of hotd. there will be a time jump and a lot will have changed about roseva, if you've seen my edits on tik tok then you already know what my girl is gonna go through😬*

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