11. the rogue prince daemon

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ROSEVA had been in her chambers with Robert, the boy on the floor playing with his makeshift toys with small babbles

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ROSEVA had been in her chambers with Robert, the boy on the floor playing with his makeshift toys with small babbles. Her face was covered in mixture to cover her bruises but the cut on her lip remained.

A loud knock on her door made her look up to see Rhaenyra bursting in out of breath — Roseva had been confused momentarily because she didn't think that the Princess would be back yet considering she was out within the Kingdoms looking for marriage proposals.

As soon as the words exited Rhaenyra's mouth Roseva froze, "Daemon's back", her body stilled and her breathing stopped. Rhaenyra hesitantly walked forward and took Robert into her arms, rocking him gently. "Rose?".

"W-why?", her voice was so fragile and calm despite the way her heart was thumping against her rib cage. Rhaenyra shrugged her shoulders and gestured for her to follow when she began walking out of the woman's chambers with Robert still in her arms — the child gripped her silver hair gently which made Rhaenyra smile down at him.

Roseva followed in a clueless manner, Rhaenyra walked fast as though she didn't want to miss something so important — and to her perhaps this was important, her uncle was back but for Rose she was scared.

Within the last three years Roseva had gotten into a loveless marriage and had a child, she was scared that perhaps Daemon had come back for her but once he knew what had happened since he left he would want nothing to do with her.

The thought was breaking her heart despite telling herself over the last three years that she hated him and blamed him for her marriage to Otto but realistically they were both to blame and she could never hate him — not even if he left her and never came back, she would still love him.

The high people of the Red Keep gathered in the throne room as soon as word came, Rhaenyra pushed past people, one arm holding Robert to her chest and the other holding Roseva's hand so she didn't get caught amongst the crowd.

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