They ask you out (boys) AU

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Caine Soren

- Today was your first day at Coates Academy and you were shown around the new, large school by the one and only Caine Soren

- He seemed to take an immediate liking to you as your beauty and innocent looks were very attractive to him

- Once he was done showing you around the school he led you to your dorm which happens to be right beside his

- As you thanked him for the tour, about to close the door he jammed his hand in front of it keeping open

- He insisted that you let him take you out and it would be an experience you would never forget, then he walked away

Drake Merwin

- Drake never really had to ask you out, you were just his and there was nothing about it

- But, one time you did get into an argument with him about how he never does anything nice for you not that you thought you win as it was Drake

- He eventually gave in and set up a little picnic for you to in the court yard

Edilio Escobar

- Edilio is a sweetheart he wants to treat you like the queen/king you are 

- He planned to take you to dinner but didn't know how to ask you

- He thought it was horrible but he just texted you and asked if you wanted to go out with him

- You said yes but that nervous chip on his shoulder never went away

Quinn Gaither

- Quinn had always wanted to ask you out but he never did because, he didn't want to ruin the friendship between you, Sam and himself

-but once he had confirmed the feeling was mutual he didn't hesitate

-He isn't the most romantic guy in the world so it was not all that special, he had just sent you a text asking if you wanted to go to a movie with him

-You obviously said yes 

Sam Temple

- When you and Sam started talking Sam knew there was something special between you two

-When he finally built up the courage to tell you he liked you it was a lot easier than he thought

-After class he pulled you aside and told you he liked you and had for a while, you told him you felt the same 

-He was immediately relieved but he still had something in the back of his mind

-That was until you asked him if he would want to come over and hangout after school, he very quickly said yes 

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