Chapter 12

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Darryl/Bad POV

I sit down on a bench just outside the ice rink, exhausted.

Zak is still skating, I told him I would only be a moment, and besides, I want to see how good he is without me.

Turns out, he's really good.

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm blinded by love, but the way he glides across the surface of the ice is so graceful and beautiful to me.

As he passes by me, he flashes me a quick grin, showing pure joy, before floating away.

I flash a smile back. My cheeks are crimson, but I convince myself it's just the cold air.

After a few more minutes of Zak just sliding around, he skates over to the exit and sits next to me.

He starts poking me and teasing me, "Baldboyhaloooo why aren't you skating?"

"I got tired, you muffin."

"Do you not like me?" He whines, dragging out the words.

"No, no, I like you! I'll skate soon, I promise!"

Zak pouts, but pulls me into a hug, burying his face into my hoodie. My face lights up, and I'm glad Zak can't see how embarrassed I am.

After a few seconds, Zak pulls away and sits normally on the bench, just staring straight ahead. He has a slight smile on his face, like he hasn't a care in the world.

His smile is contagious, and I can't help wearing a small grin of my own.

We sit like that for a few minutes, silently staring ahead, each in our own world.

Finally, Zak stands up and offers me a hand. "C'mon, you've had a really long break. I wanna skate with you!" His voice is whiny, but I can tell he's joking.

I giggle and take hold of his hand, allowing myself to be pulled up.

We wobble back to the ice rink, I'm having trouble walking from the skates I'm wearing.

I can probably skate on my own fairly well without Zak, but I take the excuse to intertwine our fingers, and he doesn't complain.

We slide slowly across the ice, not able to go very fast as long as our hands are linked together.

We keep falling down, usually I'm the one who tumbles, and Zak follows.

Every time we fall, we just burst into giggles, sprawled across the ice.

Several people give us weird looks, but the thing about love is that you don't care what anyone else thinks.

Usually if someone looked at me strangely, I would try to fix myself, or hide.

Now, I know that it doesn't matter. Zak is the only thing that really matters in this moment.

We stay on the rink for a while, just laughing and having fun together, before we're both hungry and tired.

Deciding we should head to the Cafe soon, we decide to take off our skates and return them.

I offer to take both of our skates, and Zak agrees.

When I return, Zak is shifting uncomfortably, seeming nervous about something. When I set a hand on his shoulder, his face glows pink.

"H-hey, I was um, well, I was wondering if, um, you would want to go on a walk with me before we go to the Cafe? Um, only if you want though, you don't—"

I interrupt his rant, "I'll go on a walk with you, Zak."

He smiles and stands up, back to his old self. "Really, ok then, let's go!"

There are a few paths that branch off of the town square, leading to parks and fields, some looping back around.

We take a path that loops back to the square and goes over a pretty river.

After walking for a few minutes, we approach the bridge, and Zak nervously asks if we can take a break.

For a while, we just stand on the bridge, staring at the frozen stream below us.

Zak seems to have something he wants to say, but he's obviously nervous. I let him take his time, gaining confidence for whatever it is.

After what seems like ages, he starts to speak. He still isn't facing me, but I can see that his cheeks are a crimson color, and are darkening by the second.

"Look, I know you probably don't feel the same, and you might even want to stop being friends with me after this, but I can't keep it a secret anymore."

He pauses and looks at me, his eyes glassy. "I-I really like you, Y'know like like. I know you probably don't like me back, but I just wanted to—"

I cut him off with a kiss. He seems shocked for a second, but soon melts into the kiss.

We stay like that for a few seconds, holding each other, before we pull apart, smiling.

"What gave you the idea that I didn't like you, you muffin." I say, giggling.

Zak just rolls his eyes before pulling me in for another kiss, this time shorter, but just as loving.

"I love you." He mutters.

"I love you too." I echo, hugging him tighter.

Maybe dreams can come true after all.

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915 Words

*End of Chapter 12*

I got some pretty bad writer's block on this chapter and kinda lost motivation, so I hope you don't hate it. Let me know if the confession was good cuz I really don't know-

Please vote if you liked this chapter :)

Remember to eat, drink water, and get sleep because you deserve it <3

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