Chapter 1

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"Please! Just this once Y/n!" There she was, my best friend slash non related sister that I can call my sister, Kasey Youngji, on the ground, begging for me to tag along with her to some band that I don't even listen to. Okay that was a lie. I listen to their music quite a lot but I'm not gonna tell her that.  Although their music is pretty good, actually, perfect. I couldn't go. Sorry let me rephrase that, I don't want to go.

I mean, have you seen the crowds? How close everyone is bunched up together? It's shouting diseases and viruses.. Nope, not for me. Maybe in another universe or life. Because this life has caused me to much anxiety and social anxiety. Sorry not sorry.

I stood with crossed arms and an unsatisfied look.


"Wha- why?! Please! I'll even pay for your ticket! A-and I'll do your chores for the whole of next week!" Sporting a distressed look on her face while having to come up with excuses.

Finally saying something that caught my attention.

"2 weeks." Trying to bargain as much as I can to get as much out of this as I possibly can as I know I'll eventually say yes.

"A week and a half" Staring up at me she tried lowering the prices she had to pay. I swear I saw her eye twitch.

"2 weeks or nothing."

"Fine.." I looked at her as her stressed face contorted into one of both relief and excitement as she sighed.

"I'll even buy you stuff so you can go unnoticed, l-like uh.." She stood there like a deer in headlights as she thought until suddenly an idea flew into her head. "Costume!"

"Shut up Kasey! Your parents are sleeping you fucking imbecile–!"

"Sorry.." With a sheepish look she apologized.

"I'll think about the costume part.. depends how good quality it is." Huffing I crossed my arms and plopped onto my makeshift bed on the ground. Kasey doing the same but on her bed instead.

 Kasey doing the same but on her bed instead

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(This but with Ghost posters and CD's)

"I swear.. if it's some stupid cosplay like some off brand Nezuko or something.." I glared at her.

Just as I was about to go on my phone to click on the TikTok app, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around Kasey had her phone up in my face with a cosplay of one of the ghouls. Oh, to which was VERY expensive. But she didn't seem like she cared.

Two cosplays in fact, totaling up to 1000. Fucking. Dollars. My eyes almost jumped out of my head when seeing the three big zeros. Kaseys wallet is gonna be crying blood sweat and tears tonight..

"I know you don't like crowds and your kinda against getting sick so

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"I know you don't like crowds and your kinda against getting sick so.."

To be honest they looked pretty realistic. No wonder they were so expensive.. still who do they think I am?? Bill Gates?

"Are you crazy.. where the hell are you gonna get that kinda money Kc.."


"Girl.. did you rob a bank or what.."

"I've been saving since I was 16–"

"Girl... That's 2 years ago.." I whispered.

"I know! Okay!" She whispered back.

Sighing I rolled my eyes and sent a sneaky side eye at her. (SIDE EYEEE)

"When's the concert.." Already accepting my fate in this. Plus, she doesn't care that she's paying so why should I care. Suddenly her eyes lit up with the word concert. If she looked any bit tired, not anymore. That or she was hiding it really well. Any worries about the money, dissipated. Gone like the wind. "Two days!" My eyes widened in surprise. "Two days.. Haha funny joke. When's it actually"

"I'm not joking it's tomorrow, why?"

"Bitch.. the costumes.."

"Oh, they're coming tomorrow-"

"What! What in the Amazon premium—" I accidentally yelled a bit too loud. Hand flying up to her mouth in shock. Hearing footsteps coming nearer, we both bolted under the covers of our beds and played dead— I mean pretended to sleep. Hearing the door creak open and light slip through the crack. A big silhouette of a tall middle aged muscular man with short curly brown hair and brown eyes appeared — Mr. Youngji.

"Girls.. it's 2am.. you should be sleeping." Speaking with a deep voice he awaited for an answer yet never got one. Hearing no response he stood for another 5 seconds before turning around and walking out, closing the door behind him. Supposedly back to his own room with Kaseys mom.

After the door clicked shut signaling that he was gone both of the teenagers bolted up. Y/n immediately pulling her phone out of her covers checking the time to see it was indeed 2am. 2:32am to be specific. Not even noticing how much they were talking. Both of the girls looked at each other and burst out laughing. Silent laughter of course.

"I-im so -sorry–" Wheezing out a desperate attempt at breathing a puff of air.

"It's okay–" Eyes watering from laughing so hard.

Calming down a bit Kasey stared at Y/n before imitating her voice from earlier. "Shut up Y/n! My parents are sleeping, you imbecile!"

Which resulted in them breaking out in a laughing fit once again. After calming down, which by the way took 10 minutes, both girls got ready for bed. Already exhausted from laughing so hard and cheekbones sore from smiling, y/n got under the covers and pulled out her phone.

She groaned as her whole Tiktok For You Page was full of Ghost edits because of the one time she let Kasey borrow her phone because hers had run out of battery.

"Look at what you did Kc. Thanks so much" Rolling her eyes she heard Kasey giggle. Before she closed her eyes she plugged her phone up to the phone charger and turned on a song to listen to, to help her sleep.

 Before she closed her eyes she plugged her phone up to the phone charger and turned on a song to listen to, to help her sleep

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(Yes, it was Mary On A Cross Slowed and Reverbed. Yes I am petty so I changed it. Yes.)

Of course, pulling earbuds and plugging them in so her Ghost obsessed friend doesn't find out. If she did she wouldn't stop chirping to her about it.

Finally deciding to head out for the night she bid her friend a mumbled good night. But not after the thought of the fun she would have within the next 48 hours.


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