Chapter 5

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It was now after the show, I was in front of my car after I had run away from Kasey. Speaking of Kasey.. where is she-

Carefully adjusting my mask on and making sure my guitar was in mint condition, I quickly bid adieu to Papa and and the ghouls, which was a shy wave, before rushing to find Kasey.


Hitting her on the back harshly to shut her up. Trying to confusingly try to signal to her that I didn't want to draw more attention to us then there already was. Ending up putting my pointer finger to my lips and shaking my head quickly.

"Oh.. okay sorry" She started giggling which made me furious but what can I do, she's a menace. I mentally sighed and started walking with her. Of course, being careful with the blue cape draping down my shoulder.

She had previously already taken off her ghoulette costume and had it all in a big backpack on her.

"Still! That was so badass!" She had whispered this time, already knowing the lecture I would have given her if she didn't listen.

Sighing, I took out my phone and checked all the posts that people had posted under the trending hashtag 'Signature Ghoulette😍'.


1M Likes                                                   450k Replies|||@ghosttingsandsuchOmg the things I would do to turn back time and walk to the concert to see her😭 she is so cool and i would sell my bones to see her

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1M Likes                                                   450k Replies
Omg the things I would do to turn back time and walk to the concert to see her😭 she is so cool and i would sell my bones to see her....  Read More..
25k Likes                                                      1k Replies

I can't believe she just barged on stage.. what a total wh*re and pick me
22 Likes                                                       62k Replies

Frowning at the screen, which no one could see anyway, I stopped walking and stuffed my phone into my pants pockets before freezing when my fingers brushed up against a hard small item.

Swapping my phone for the slim item, I brought it up to my face to see it was Sodo's pick that had started all of this. Of course he threw it at me- But that wasn't the big picture.

Smiling under my mask, It was suddenly yanked out of my hand by Kasey.

"Oh my god.. is that.."

Yanking it back out of her hand and running down the exit towards the parking lot that had my car, while hearing her yell after me.

Getting to the car, I pressed the button to unlock it. Hearing the car honk, letting me know it was open, I was just about to plop myself onto the seat cushion until a hand was placed on my shoulder.

Jumping around in panic, only to see a black goggle mask identical to mine up in my face.

Assuming it was Aether from both the symbol on his left breast and the muscular body.

I opened my mouth to talk but then quickly realized my mistake and shut it as fast as you could say 'Rats'.

He pulled out a piece of paper and started writing.

It was crazy really.. to see one of the people from your favorite band up close like this..

Almost as if I was in a fanfic or something..

He looked dreamy to be honest with you..

Tall.. Muscular.. H-

I was cut off from my thoughts when he nudged a piece of paper in front of me, saying 'Follow Me, Please.' I was gonna do it, honestly. But then Kasey came across my mind.

Speaking of the devil, she appears behind us with her hands on her knees wheezing for air.

"I- i- your so- your so fast- Hah-"

Raising her head up to see the tall man she nearly passed out.


Grabbing her face and shutting her up, I sheepishly turned to the ghoul who was waiting patiently with his hands behind his back.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to her. Shoving the note in her face and pointing a finger at me and Aether repeatedly trying to lodge into her thick skull that I needed to leave for the day.

After about two minutes of just standing there with a blank face she finally looked like she got everything down.

"You guys are dating!!" Throwing her hands up into the air with a cheerful look, I deadpanned while Aether got out another note and passed it on to me with a pen.

Writing down that I had to go in the nicest way possible, which was: 'Bitch i'm leaving for the day, go find a hotel or something hoe.'

Nodding her head in understanding she took my keys with a mischievous look and shooed me away.

As I watched her drive away I mentally sweat dropped. She didn't know how to drive.. Oh Well.. She'll survive. I think..

Turning my head around to see that Aethers eyes never left me. He was most likely curious about me like I was about him, but all that can be explained at a later date.

I nodded my head in his direction and started to take out my phone only to see that it was at 2%. Mentally cursing at myself for not taking a portable charger.

He grabbed my wrist and started to lightly drag me to our supposed destination.

After about 5 minutes of silent walking we arrived in front of a massive door and I could hear extremely loud music from the inside.

Which I could instantly recognize as Kaiserion. Giggling under my breath because of the jealous look Kasey would be giving me right now.

Not noticing the masked man beside me shocked at hearing my laugh. Face flushed red for no reason he could pinpoint.

He cleared his throat and opened the door without knocking.

The music instantly stopped. About 6 other heads turned to see who had interrupted their rehearsal.

The room was VERY quiet. Everyone was eyeing me down like I was eye candy.

It was quite awkward until a high pitched scream broke out and I was suddenly on the ground.



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