Chapter 9

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Sighing I tucked my phone back into my pocket, waiting for Kasey to text back.

Forgetting Sunshine was even here, she nearly gave me a jump scare when she walked out of her washroom dressed in her usual attire.

Just realizing now that I need new clothes. That or going back to Kaseys.

"You coming Signal?" Sunshines voice echoes against the room.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming!"

I got up with no trouble and unfortunately had to duck a little when exiting. Just now realizing that the doorway was so.. small?

God, I'm so slow.. whatever.

Following Sunshine who at some point in the walk wanted to hold my hand along the way.

We held hands and walked until we ended up in front of a three way hall that led to three other rooms. Each having their own name embroidered into it.

We walked up to the door that had 'Sodo >:/' written all over it.

Sunshine was about to knock but I stopped her. She looked at me confused but I just sent a smirk her way.

I opened the door and made sure I didn't make the door creak or accidentally stepped on a loose floorboard. Sodo was gonna regret making me panic about my phone yesterday..

There he was, sleeping, on his bed. In a simple outfit of just a pair of black sweatpants and a black sweater. Of course no doubt, he had his mask on.

I was dying on the inside from the scene and the faces he could possibly make

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I was dying on the inside from the scene and the faces he could possibly make. He was so going to hate me for this.

I sneaked up to him and prepared to do my stunt. In a span of 0.5 Milliseconds, he was in the air being carried by the hips.

It took him a couple of seconds due to his body still coming back to life but he eventually analyzed the situation.

He screamed in both realization of fear of getting dropped and the jump scare.

The good thing being, that he couldn't even see me. Due to the darkness of the room.


I almost laughed out my lungs but I somehow managed to keep my lungs intact and inside my body.

"AH STOP LET GO- WHAT THE HELL-" He tried prying my hands off of him but that only made me grip onto him tighter.

He suddenly stiffened up and tried stifling a laugh with a cough, which clearly didn't work if I knew he faked it.

My fingers dug deeperinto his hips which made him start wheezing for air.

"Hey- S-stop! That's t-tickles you asshole!"

I couldn't hold it in anymore as I burst out laughing.


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