Chapter 5

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Secora was so grieved, she nearly burst into tears on the spot. She thought she was saved when she saw lights pull into the dark driveway, until she saw the figure that came out. Her uncle was wearing the same bloodstained outfit he was 9 years ago. Her stomach lurched again and her heart dropped, but she couldn't show any weakness, not now. Not when it really mattered. Her fathers grip loosened when he saw his guest had finally arrived, so Secora took another chance at the window. This time, her father grabbed her hair by the roots. She felt a pain so deep she thought her scalp was on fire. "Not as easy as you thought, huh?" her father said mockingly. It was then that her uncle came into the room. "I told you you needed to work on your tying skills. She almost got away again, didn't she?" Her uncle said haughtily. "She couldn't have escaped, not without pulling out all of her hair," her father said. She hated them. It was such a burning hatred, she was surprised at herself. She had never had any type of feeling like this, not even when her foster parents wouldn't let her see her parents bodies. But even then, she still loved them almost as much as her real parents. "My real mom," Secora thought grimly. She didn't have a dad anymore, besides her foster dad. Her real father was dead to her. The next morning, Secora woke up on her old bed, bound to the mattress by unfortunately tight ropes. "I guess Uncle Sam tied me up," Secora said aloud. Speaking of her uncle, where is he? Secora was starting to remember all the events that had happened the day before. She recounted the cemetery, the kidnapping, and her father and uncle. She remembered the burning hatred she had never felt before, and feeling as though her foster parents were more her parents than her father was. "Mom was always loyal, though," Secora thought. Just then, her uncle burst through the door, her father trailing not far behind. For a second, she thought they were frozen. Then they located her and started walking haughtily toward her. "They're clearly bragging about this" Secora thought, getting scared. They had killed her mother before, just so her father could legally have a new spouse, without the trouble of a divorce. Who knows what they would do to her to get what they wanted. "Anything," Secora accidently said aloud."Anything what," her father and uncle said in unison, clearly annoyed at her speaking. "Oh, nothing." Secora quickly replied. She didn't want to give them any ideas they hadn't thought of already. "Alright," her uncle said skeptically. "I just have one question." Secora said. "For my father," she added. "What is it?" he asked resentfully. "Who's Joshua's mother? The woman you killed my mother for." Secora asked reproachfully. "LIKE I'M GOING TO TELL YOU!!!" he said clearly. "Shut up!!! The neighbors will hear you!" Uncle Sam chided. Then the doorbell rang, and everything descended into chaos. Her father, who everyone presumed dead, hid somewhere in the hallway. Her uncle tempestuously ran down the stairs and yelled "Coming!", and Secora heard the door open hastily. Everyone knew that after her parents died, her uncle got their house. He only stayed there a few weeks out of the year though. Her hand reached under her pillows, as she was trying to get into a more comfortable position. Her fingers grazed something sharp, and Secora gave a little yelp of excitement. Her uncle must have hid a weapon to kill her with, so the gun didn't make enough noise to wake the neighbors. She unbound her ropes, and climbed out the window, and scaled to the top of her favorite willow tree. Once there, she heard steps on the stairs. "Secora, we have a guest for you!" her uncle said. Then she heard a new voice. This one was muffled. Secora saw him through the tree branches and accidentally made eye contact. The male was a stranger, and had his face covered. "It appears our captive has found a way out, how Sam, did you let this happen? And where is her father, what's his name again?" "James" Her uncle replied coolly. Secora knew she wouldn't make it, but she tried to get away again anyway. She jumped from the tree as her uncle was jumping into the tree. When Secora had started running, her uncle was already down and gaining on her. Before she knew what was happening, her hair was grabbed and pulled back. "I'm surprised you're not bald yet," her uncle said, teasingly. "Just let me go home! I promise, no one will ever know about any of this! The police will look for me here once everyone knows I'm missing!" Secora was edging into hysteria. What her uncle said next sent shivers down her spine. "You won't be missing, you'll be dead." Secora could barely hide her discomfort. 'I'll be dead?" Secora asked. "Before anybody realizes you're missing, your body will be found in the center of town, where everyone can see it." her uncle said with a smug grin. "I hate you," was all Secora could say.

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