Chapter 8

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As the trio were nearing the square, Secora was going over all the events of her life, and wishing she could start over and change some things. She wished she could have stopped her mothers murder, her fathers mental illnesses, and, most of all, she wished she could have opened up a little more. Now, she was going to die, and the only people who would miss her was her foster family. There was no boyfriend, no friends, nobody. Nobody would even know till daylight. She wouldn't be missed much. No matter what she did, said or thought, she was never going to get out alive. That was what scared her. She had no hope she would ever make it out alive. By now, the sun had almost risen, and was peaking over the mountains and buildings surrounding their area. It was truly a beautiful sight. "Too bad I won't get to see it again," Secora thought meekly. She was admiring it, like it was her mother nurturing her. She wished her mother could still nurture her like she did when she was little and had just woken up from a nightmare. Only now, there was no one to comfort her in this nightmare. Secora was untied, then her uncle pulled out a gun. Her father was looking annoyed, he probably wanted to be the one to kill her. "No surprise there," Secora thought. When the gun shot, Secora was surprised she didn't feel anything. In fact, it was her uncle that fell to the floor. Secora's father looked frantic. He pulled her to her feet, and dragged her along behind him. The moment seemed to last forever, when in reality, it only lasted about two seconds. When Secora and her father got to the car, he tied her up, gagged her, and hopped in the driver's seat. He stomped on the gas pedal, and sped out of the town square. Bullets were peppering the tailgate. Secora hit her head on the door, and was knocked out. When she woke up, she was in her basement. Her ropes were not as loose, considering her father had tied them, but they should have been loose enough. Secora tried to slip her wrists out, but couldn't. Frustration she had been holding in was starting to bubble to the surface, ready to spill. She wanted to scream. She wanted to scream so loudly that the neighbors could hear. The only issue was that she was in the basement, yet she felt strangely comforted that her father had put her in her favorite room in the house. She still hated her father though, nothing would change that. Especially since she knew the real reason her father put her in the basement. There were no windows. Since it was nearly morning, her father was either deep asleep, or wide awake with fear that whoever shot her uncle knew where they were,and was coming for them. Secora could only hope they would. She was tired of only being able to wish for things, she had no power to do anything. That was what annoyed her the most. She couldn't help herself. 

Hello again. I'm sorry for the short chapter, but this one didn't need a lot to happen to keep you interested. Did you guys notice how her mother's body didn't look like the mother she remembered?

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