Chapter 9

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The next day, Secora woke up with something on her face. Or rather, something taken off her face. She had a severe headache, and when she rubbed her temple she screamed. There was a ginormous gash where her forehead used to be. She immediately looked around the room for clues as to what could have happened. There, on the floor, was a bloody kitchen knife. Secora felt around the rest of her face to see if there was any more of it missing. She was missing some of her cheeks, a bit of her nose, a sliver of her lip, and a slice on her chin. She looked around for anything she could drink, but came up empty handed. What felt like hours later, her father came down. He was holding a glass of water. Secora felt herself lick her bloody lip. Her father looked at her, grinning. "This," he said "Is a reminder that I am in charge, not your Uncle. Not the "Guest". Me, I am in charge. And this" he holds up the glass of water "is punishment. This is what you get for running away yesterday." With that, he chugs the water, turns on his foot, and walks out. She screams.She screams so loudly he goes to her and covers her bloody mouth with his hand. Then, just to prove a point, she bites him. She bites him so hard his hand comes away bloody. He smacks Secora on the cheek. She shouts from the pain, and falls to the floor. "You should be more careful, Secora. Didn't I raise you better than that?" her father says, grinning. Secora thinks she can detect a small grimace of pain in his smile, and feels triumphant. "How could you have raised me to do anything? You died when I was six, remember? You were dead to me long before then." she says hotly. "Now now, that's not how you speak to your father, Secora." My father says, as if scolding a child. Secora snorts. "I would be more careful if I were you, your mother would say the same thing." With that remark, she screams at him, telling him to go die in a hole, telling him he can't say that because he didn't know her. "You don't believe me?" he asks. "Then why don't you go ask her," he adds. Suddenly, Secora feels puzzled. "What does he mean?" she thinks. "What's the matter, Secora? Did daddy puzzle you? You don't get it, do you?" he says maliciously. "What are you saying?" she asks, her voice quavering. "There is no "other woman". I have remained faithful to your mother our entire relationship. We even had another child after we were 'killed'. His name was Joshua. You know him, I presume." "Wait-" she begins to say. "Don't interrupt me, Secora. Where was I? Oh yes, I remember now. Your mother had Joshua, you were gone to Lord knows where, and it took me and your mother forever to find you. We didn't end up locating your foster family until earlier this year. Your mother aided in your kidnapping, as she knew how to get you the best. We decided to send Joshua to the cemetery for some 'errands' and tracked him until we saw you." "Then, you started babbling about how much you missed us to a rock, a rock, Secora. Then, your mother hit you over the head and I carried you to the car. Voila, you're here and she's there taking care of Joshua, making sure he doesn't ask any questions, and I'm doing business. Any questions?" Before I can answer, my father says "No? Alright." and walks away.She's left with her thoughts and unanswered questions. "How did they have mom's body if she was alive?" Before she can think too deeply, she decides she doesn't want to know. Suddenly, exhaustion hits her. She crawls up on the basement floor and falls asleep. She slept for days, too tired to wake up and face reality. All Secora can dream about is how much she wants to die, how much she wants to escape this hell that has become her life. When she finally does wake up, she stays on the floor. Her headache is gone, and the gashes on her face seem to have healed. Replacing them are several larger gouges on her legs. There's a little blood on her legs, but Secora's father must have soaked up a cotton ball or something, because there on the concrete floor is writing. That writing is written in her blood. It reads "Another friendly reminder of who is in charge.-Mom" Secora gags. She really is in on this too. She was hoping her father had just been bluffing, but Secora knew she was too foolish to hope. No matter how much she wants to, she can never escape.

     Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I'm still in school, so i have homework and sports to do. I feel bad for leaving you guys hanging for so long, so I'm going to add a couple extra chapters!

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