Chapter 1: Mail

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„Come on Mum, just tell me what we're doing!" I asked. I've been bugging mum to tell me what she and dad had planned for July 31st, my 13th birthday, for hours, but she kept quiet about it.
„Honey, you will know soon enough! So stop asking me, please. I have to start cooking dinner now, your dad will be home soon. Go bug him when he's back." She said and chuckled while speaking the last sentence. I sighed. „I'll go out for a walk then, ok?" „Ok, but be back by six! And check the fence for holes please, we don't want Mason to stand in Severus' kitchen again!" „I will!" I said and pulled on my wellies since it was muddy outside. Then I made my way outside. The fresh breeze of Loch Portree hit my face and I was immediately happy. Growing up on the Isle of Skye had taught me to appreciate every single bit of nature, and I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. I walked down the street, turned left and walked towards a herd of Highland cattle. They were happy to see me and started walking towards me. When I arrived at the gate, I climbed over it and hopped onto the soft green grass. „I missed you too, Eloise!" I said to the cow that was vigorously licking my hand and laughed. „And little Baby Mason!" I squeaked excitedly, Eloise's calf! It was the most adorable, fluffy thing ever!

I held out my hand to pet his soft, furry forehead, but Mason had other plans and raised his nose to lick my hand, just like his mother had done

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I held out my hand to pet his soft, furry forehead, but Mason had other plans and raised his nose to lick my hand, just like his mother had done. „You sneaky little boy!" I said and chuckled. „Severus was not excited when you stood in his kitchen last week!" I said and shivered at the thought of him. He was a friend of my parents' who lived down the street and seemed to talk to my parents every now and then, but he has never ever said a word to me. And I was glad he hadn't. He scared me a little, with his long black hair, his sallow skin, the large, hooked nose, and yellow, uneven teeth. What scared me most were his cold, black eyes, that matched the color of all the clothes he seemed to own... I had never seen him wear clothes that weren't black. Luckily, he would soon leave, as every summer, to go teach at some boarding school over in Banffshire, so we wouldn't see him around much, except for the weekends occasionally.

Mason looked at me with his big, innocent dark eyes. „You're not fooling me, young man!" I joked and then started walking around the fence to check for any holes. Mason and Eloise followed me, but Mason was still walking clumsily, which was very adorable. After walking around the meadow, it was time for me to go back. „Well, Mason, looks like you didn't tear or dig any new holes! I'm proud of you! But now I have to go, its time for dinner! Dad's probably home by now!" I said and checked my watch. Already 5:55 p.m., I had to run! I closed the gate behind me, waved the cattle goodbye and ran home as fast as I could. When I arrived in front of our house, I panted. Out of breath I checked my watch again. „Two minutes, new record!" I said to myself.

„Mum, dad, I'm home!" I then yelled and quickly took of my coat and wellies, slipped into my house Crocs and made my way to the kitchen. „Hello, little princess!" My dad greeted me and gave me a high five. „Hi dad! How was work?" I asked. „Hm... worktastic, as always!" My dad joked. Then he turned his head towards the newspaper again. „Can I help you with anything, Mum?" I asked as she took baking dish full of delicious Cottage Pie {Author's Note: If you don't know what Cottage pie is, I highly recommend you take a look at this: It's fucking delicious!} out of the oven. It smelled heavenly! „No honey, you can sit down. I already set the table, drinks are on the table as well." „Ok!" I said and sat down opposite of my dad. „Well, little princess, how was your day?" Dad asked, eyeing me over the newspaper. „Jared, just put the paper away please, we're having dinner now!" My mom complained. „Seems like you had a good day, judging from that!" Dad joked, and I laughed as mum jokingly hit him with an oven glove. „Dig in!"

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