Chapter 2: Diagonally?

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July 31st (Y/n's Birthday)

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Y/n, Happy Birthday to you!" My parents' singing woke me up the morning of my 13th birthday. A day I was very excited for, my birthday only being one reason. "Happy Birthday, sweetie!" My mom said and gave me a hug. "Feliz Cumpleaños!" my dad said in the most British accent ever and we all started laughing. Then they lead me downstairs to the kitchen and the dining room, where balloons were placed as decoration and candles stuck on a birthday cake lit up the room. "Carrot Cake, just as you like it!" Mum said proudly. "Awww thank you!!!" I said excitedly, and then my eyes fell on the stack of gifts. It was smaller than last year, but I didn't mind at all. [her name's not Dudley lol]

"Come on, go unwrap your presents!" My dad said. "We actually don't have much time this morning, we have to get going to get to the Airport in Inverness. So... I don't want to be that guy, but please hurry a little m" "Ohhh that's so exciting!!" I said. And then I got to unwrapping my presents.

"Thank you so so much mum and dad, I love you!" I said after unwrapping the last present, which was a golden necklace with a crescent moon that I immediately put on. "You're welcome honey, we love you too! But now get dressed please and get ready so we can get going!" Mum told me so I ran up the old, squeaky wooden stairs to my room under the roof and got ready as quickly as humanly possible.

When I took a seat in the back of the car, I assumed Severus would be joining us, but when Dad drove past his house, he didn't stop. "Dad, what about Severus!" I asked. "Uhm... he said he'd use some sort of wizard transportation thing... I don't know what it is but he'll be meeting us in London." "Oh, ok." I said and then looked out of the window. 'I wonder if Severus would be using a broom?' I thought to myself and watched the land pass by through the window.

The drive had been rather quiet, and so had the flight. My dad explained that, if we were to take the car, it would have taken us 12 hours to get to London... so obviously we took the shorter route by flying. When we finally arrived at Heathrow, it didn't take long for us to find Severus. He was wearing a long (and obviously black) cloak and was clearly standing out between the colorful clothes of tourists in the biggest airport in London.
"Happy Birthday Y/n!" He said. "Did you have a good flight?" "Thank you! And yes we did. It was a very calm and quiet flight how did you get here?" "Apparation" "App... what?" I asked. "That is something you will learn about when it's time. Right now it's not that important. But we will use a wizard transportation to get to Diagon Alley." "Diagonally? Are we doing maths, on my birthday?" I asked and pouted. My dad started laughing and the corner or Severus' mouth curled up to a small, barely visible smile, bit then he explained with his calm and slow voice that Diagon Alley was one of the most important places when it came to shopping magical supplies. "We will go there by using floo powder. Which I will explain to you in a bit." Of course, magical transportation. I tried picturing Severus in a bus and could barely contain my laughter at the thought of it.

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