Chapter 11:Fall Ball Freak Show

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„I seriously don't get what could possibly be taking so long!" Theo said as Daphne and I said we'd be going to our room to get ready now. He had asked her to be his date, probably as an excuse for how much of a dick he's been considering they do both like each other. And Blaise had asked Pansy, out of pity, because nobody else had asked her.

„Well, it's girl stuff. We want to look good, you want us to look good... beauty takes its time" I said and laughed. „So for us it comes natural and you have to work hard for it?" Draco asked and laughed as I softly hit him on his arm. „Heyy, I'm just joking love!" he said and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. „See you later." he said and let Daphne and I go to our room. Draco and I had barely talked ever since Monday evening... I had tried my best to avoid him after what happened in potions. I just didn't know how to feel about everything that was going on... but tonight, I decided to do something I hadn't dared to do in a very long time.

„I'm so excited!!!" squeaked Daphne when we arrived at our room. We had this whole plan where we would do face masks and everything... but I already told Daphne that I had other reasons for starting so early. When she asked me why, I told her it would be a surprise. I just knew it would take longer for me. But she'd see!

„Y/n! Your hair! Your dress! You look gorgeous! If you weren't with Draco, I'd say everyone would be falling head over heals with you tonight!" Daphne said with an excited voice. „You look beautiful too, Daph! I bet Theo won't know what hits him!" I said. Daphne, who had long blonde hair, had used my straightener to make her usually straight hair fall on her shoulders in lose curls. Her dress was flowy and a gentle shade or rose and she just looked beautiful. And far less extravagant than me... I was starting to fee uncomfortable. And Daphne noticed.

„Hey Y/n/n you have nothing to worry about! You look gorgeous!" she said. „Draco will fall in love with you all over again!" „Let's hope so" I said and sighed. Then I checked the time. „Shit Daph, we have to go! We're supposed to meet the guys in the hall in 5 minutes!" I said. We quickly grabbed our purses and then hurried to get to the ball.

Draco's POV:

Y/n and Daphne were late

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Y/n and Daphne were late. Theo and Blaise, who unfortunately had Pansy by his side, and I had been waiting at the bottom of the dimly lit staircase for a few minutes, that felt like an eternity. I was nervously fidgeting with the buttons on my sleeves, but Theo noticed. „What's go you all nervous, mate? You look good, and I'm sure so does she." „That's the problem" I whispered, but Nott didn't listen to me anyway. In fact, everyone gasped and turned their heads and I quickly realized why.

There she was. Magnificent like an angel. At the sight of her, my mouth dropped open and I couldn't help but stare. She was nothing but beautiful.

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