Chapter 16: Very convincing

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A few weeks had passed and Draco and I have grown absolutely inseparable. I was basically living in his dorm room now, which didn't just allow us to get down to business more often, but also allowed Theo and Daphne to finally embrace the fact that they're both into each other. The only one who was still by himself was Blaise, but he had secretly been going out with a Gryffindor named Eliza Bane (our lovely friend @Banegirl27 ❤️)

"Don't you dare tell anyone, especially not Draco. I'm only just telling you because you were in Gryffindor and I know you won't judge me for it." Blaise said to me and I just had to start laughing. "Blaise, if you really like her, I highly doubt the others will judge you for it. But I promise I will keep your secret. But don't break her heart, she's a nice girl!"

What concerned me though was, that there was growing evidence of Voldemort planning to return to fight. Some of the Slytherin kids started to go home to be with their parents who didn't feel like Hogwarts was "safe" anymore, others started hanging out in groups that only kept to themselves without talking to anyone until they really had to. Harry and Dumbledore had disappeared and not been seen for days and I felt like Draco, even though we spent so much time together, became more and more distant. The last time we had sex had been days ago, when usually we got down to business at least once per day, he barely talked, barely ate... he was acting weird. After dinner, when we were alone in his room, I decided to ask him what's going on. "Draco, you've been acting so weird in the past few days. What's going on with you? Is everything ok? Is it your parents?" When I mentioned his parents, Draco's face hardened. "Don't mention my parents. I'm fine." He said monotonously. "Bullshit." I said. But Draco didn't respond. "Fine, if you don't want to talk to me, I don't care." I said and went to the bathroom to change into my Pajamas. When I returned to his bedroom, Draco was still standing there, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed in front of his chest, lost in thoughts. He looked so hot with this all black suit, standing there. But I knew something was wrong. I could sense it. "Go to bed Y/n. You look tired." He suddenly says. I scoffed. He didn't want to talk to me about whatever was bothering him but now he ordered me around? Ugh, whatever. I was tired, so without saying Good Night, or giving him a good night's kiss, I went and laid down on his bed to sleep.

Draco's POV:
I waited about 20 minutes to make sure she was finally asleep. Her breathing was in a regular, slow rhythm and watching her there so peacefully had something very calming that made me dread what I was about to do even more. But I didn't have a choice. I walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the back of her head and whispered. "It's either him or you, love." And with those words, I disappeared out of my room, my wand firmly in my right hand.

Y/n's POV:
As soon as the door clicked shut, I jumped up and threw on a robe. There was no way he just sneaks off at night. And then says something like that. Something was wrong, and I was determined to find out. Quietly, I squeezed myself through the door and tried to listen for footsteps. Draco was wearing dress shoes, so it was easy to hear his clacking footsteps on the stone floor of the castle. When I finally made out the direction the footsteps where coming from, I quietly, but quickly followed, until I found him and followed him from a safe distance. He seemed nervous, the hand that was holding his wand was shaking.
Eventually, we reached the astronomy tower. What the heck was he doing here? But then, before Draco made it up there, I heard voices. I quickly used my fairy magic to make myself invisible and climbed up the stairs, following Draco, to find Professor Dumbledore. Alone with Draco. Not entirely though; around the corner, I could see Harry lurking through his invisibility cloak. He was usually more careful when wearing it, but maybe I was only able to see him because I was invisible myself.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco shouted and my head shot back at him and our Headmaster, whom Draco had just disarmed. "Draco, you don't have to do this." He said with a calm voice. Draco seemed near tears and the cries "I don't have a choice! It's either her or you! They know who she is, I have to kill you or she dies!" And then he pulled up his sleeve. My heart dropped,  and I was shocked at the sight of the Dark Mark on my boyfriend's arm. "No..." I whispered and took a step back in shock, but bumped against something. I turned around, and realized it was none other than Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father. He looked down on me and quickly held his hand over my mouth and held on to me. His mouth curled up into an evil smile and he whispered "Who do we have here?" The shock must have resulted into the invisibility fading, because Lucius was looking right at me. Behind him I noticed a few more people: Bellatrix Lestrange, Carrow, Fenrir Greyback and... Severus. Why was he just standing there??

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