Vendetta Kills

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 I raced. I ran and ran as fast as I could. How come everytime I get comfortable, something new happens? Is this what its like to live? If so, I don't think I wanna live. My family. My father. My true father.  My eyes began to burn. I sucked in tears and continued to lurk. "I can try Shredder's old lair." I said to myself. "But that would be way too easy." I tried to remember Leo's video. Where are those surroundings? I remember lots of tech. Or was it water? I can't even think straight. 

I stopped running when I realized I was no longer in the sewers, but in the heart of NYC.  I had a thought in my head that maybe it was shredders old lair after all. I mean, those boneheads got strong but they still aren't very smart. Something caught my eye. I turned my head to see April hopping rooftops. I immediatly started climbing and yelled out "APRIL" She was pretty far ahead so I wasn't sure I would get her attention. "APRIL ITS ME KARAI" April stopped. She looked toward me and ran to my side. "Karai? Why are you out of the lair? You are in no position to join this fight. " I gently held my shoulder. "I don't care. This is my fight. I need to be the one to take care of it. I finally know what its like to love. I refuse to let the ones I care about get hurt in my name." April sighed. "Leo isn't going to like this." "I don't care." I said coldly. "Where are they?" April got out her T-phone. "Donnie just sent me some coordinates. I was on my way there when you called out to me." I began walking forward. "Great. Let's go!" We ran for what felt like forever. That is when we came upon Shredders mansion. Figures. 

Screaming and fighting could be heard both by the beach and inside. I decided to start from the inside and move outside. 

I burst through the door. The sight was unbelievable. Some unconsious, some..dead. I scanned the room. 

Stockman. dead

Rahzar. dead

Bebop and Rocksteady. unconsious

Donnie. Unconsious

Casey. Unconsious

Leo spotted me while fighting Tiger Claw his eyes got really wide. but then grew angry. "Karai. I told you not to come. You're hurt." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "You guys need me. This is MY FIGHT." I got out my blade. Leo managed to throw Tiger Claw far enough away to get to me. "We have trained just as long as you have. Plus, we have Splinter. Go home, Karai." Leo smiled just as Tiger Claw came running back and swiped Leo with his sword. Rendering Leo hurt, and unconsious. (Another one bites the dust.) 

"I thought I had killed out, girl. but I was wrong." "Miwa!" Splinter cried. "Father. get Leo out of here. Please. I will be okay." I gritted my teeth, blade in hand. "You can't kill me. You're too clouded by your vendetta. Soon, you will be the one defeated. " I ran toward him. We began to fight. He landed some blows, I landed others.  "You could have been great, amazing even. We gave you everything. Shredder, gave you everything." "All Shredder gave me was torture and loads of night terrors. He never cared about me. He only cared for my mother and killing my father. He was so clouded with his vendetta that is KILLED him. He was WEAK" I stunned Tiger Claw just enough to plunge my sword through his heart. killing him. I spat out blood. "And so are you. You oversized cat." Once I knew he was dead, I pulled out my sword and finished the job on the other unconcious minions. I called in for Mikey and April to grab Donnie and Casey. I walked outside to so Raph fighting fishface. Just in time to catch him ripping off his breathing tube, and robot legs. Fish face, suffocated. 

Once we got into the Shellraiser, Mikey walked up to me. "You okay Karai. That was basically your family your entire life." I chuckled. "They were no family. Family doesnt hurt you the way they hurt me. They were so driven by their vendetta. Revenge literally led them to their demise." 

Thier vendetta. killed them.

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