My Fight

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I woke up the next morning with my head on something soft. My eyes fluttered open as I looked around and realized Leo was gone. But my head was on a pillow, and I was covered up with a navy blue fleece. Everyone was gone, I didnt notice, but I was alone.
The energy of the room was bleak. The darkness of the house overpowered me. "Leo?" No answer "Father?" No answer. I got up and looked around.  Everyone was gone.
I decided to leave the lair, and go find them, but as I stepped outside a huge shockwave filled my body and I was lunged a foot backward. My ankle immediately went numb, and that is when I realized it. There was a device attached to my ankle.
I touched it, and it shocked me. They must've put it on me while I was asleep.
I looked around for a phone, or anything. But nothing. I looked over at the coffee table; there was a small device that buzzed, and come to think of it has been for about 30 minutes.
I walked over there, and clicked on it.
"Karai." It was a hologram of Leo. I slowly sat down on the couch and put my hand over my mouth. "A lot has happened since you feel asleep. Shreddars minions has begun a search for you, and have double mutated themselves. They found a way to get stronger, and are coming after you because of shredders death. The only way to keep you safe, is if we fled while you were asleep.." I didnt notice, but Leo was panting he must've sent this in battle, because he was frantic, worried. My breath became shallow as I continued to listen. "We are fighting our hardest, but we arent sure we are going to survive. I want you to understand, if we dont make it, I wrote an adress down next to the locator. The brace will deactivate if it doesnt detect Donnies pulse. Run there, if it breaks.
Please be careful, Karai. I'm so sorry I couldnt protect you better, I love you." I couldnt hear more and immediately grabbed the thing and threw it ageinst the wall. I pulled my knees to my chest and began to sob.
Almost immediately, I had an idea. In blind rage, i took my katana and sliced the bracelet, causing a huge shock to wave through my body causing so much pain i couldnt move for a few minutes. I then grabbed every weapon i could find, and began locating my enemy.
"This is MY fight, and I will be the one to finish it!"

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