6. Tear me to pieces

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Gerard was holding Mia tightly and she suddenly became aware that she was crying all over his shirt. "I'm so sorry!" she sniffed.

"You have nothing to apologise for, Mia. What did Jordan say?" Gerard asked, curiously.

"Apparently Oli wants to apologise."

"And? What did you say to that?"

"I agreed to meet him tomorrow morning. I need the closure at least."

Gerard nodded in understanding. He glanced over to the rest of the band who were quietly packing the instruments away. He sighed and ran a hand through his shaggy, dark locks. "We'd better start getting ready. Give me your phone?" Mia obeyed and watched as Gerard put his and the rest of the band's numbers into it. "Promise me, if anything upsets you before tomorrow, you'll call one of us, yeah?"

She smiled as she took her phone back from Gerard; he had such a calming nature about him and she now felt much more relaxed. "Of course. And I'll obviously be there to watch you guys tonight! A private performance was amazing but I think there'll be a totally different atmosphere with the crowds watching too!"

Gerard grinned back at Mia before pulling her into another hug and suddenly the rest of the band had joined in too, bundling her under them all. She made a dramatic attempt to gasp for air and they all chuckled as they let her go. They all said a slightly emotional farewell and Mia left to find some more things to shoot, feeling much more assured by her newly-developed friendship.

By now, it was getting into the late afternoon and the artists performing were more popular as they got higher up the bill. Mia knew My Chemical Romance would be on the Main Stage around 9pm according to the flyers from earlier but right now, at the West Stage where she was, nothing was happening. She drifted through the crowds but stayed close since Taking Back Sunday would be taking to the stage really soon. The front of the stage began to get busier as more fans piled forward to get the best view, so she headed around to the side gate, close to where Mike had introduced her to MCR just hours ago. She flashed her pass at the security guard and he let her through to the area between the barriers and the stage and she began to set up. Around 20 minutes later, Taking Back Sunday came onto the stage opening with "MakeDamnSure". The crowd went wild and Mia was also having the time of her life. Around 40 minutes later the set finished with "You're So Last Summer" and the atmosphere was incredible.

Mia knew the evening was going to just get better from here and she was grateful that it was so busy from a work perspective. She barely had time to think about what was going to happen tomorrow morning, and when the thoughts did cloud her mind, she pushed them back swiftly and carried on with her work.

Mia grabbed another quick bite from the same food stand that she got the dal from this morning, this time some fried tofu sticks that reminded her of mozzarella sticks. That was one food she missed since going vegan about 5 years ago - there still wasn't any good vegan cheese out there. She salivated as the smell of them wafted across to her while she waited for the vendor to cook them. Thankfully, it was worth the wait. The fried tofu was utterly delicious; garlic and herby goodness dancing around in her mouth.

From there, it was back out to the main stage for the next two acts. This was something Mia was really looking forward to: Sleeping With Sirens, followed almost immediately by Pierce The Veil. The two bands had worked together a lot throughout their history and just 10 minutes after Sleeping With Sirens finished their set, the lead singer, Kellin Quinn, was back on stage with Pierce The Veil as they performed one of Mia's all-time favourite songs - King For A Day. She barely took any photos during that performance - she was having the absolute time of her life! After another 40 minute set, Pierce The Veil finished up and the air started to cool. The main stage crowd had begun to get busier much faster now, even though it was still an hour or so until My Chemical Romance took to the stage.

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