23. And it's not worth saving

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A/N: It's a hell of a ride, again, I'm sorry. Elvanse has my ass and I am rolling with whatever it's giving me.

CW: Blood, angst, magic, panic, more angst, guilt, accusations.

Jordan was sitting in his house with his wife, Emma. Their kids, Eliot and Eden had just gone off to sleep - a rare thing for both of them to be asleep on time - so they planned to make the most of the quiet. They were just about to settle and watch a film. It was Emma's turn to choose so she flicked through Netflix, looking for something they couldn't lose themselves in too much, just in case one of the kids woke up.

Jordan's phone lit up on the coffee table, vibrating against it harshly and he leaned over to peer at the caller ID.

What does Oli want at this time of the evening? Jordan mumbled to himself as he wandered to the other side of the room to take the call.

"Hey Oli mate, you alright?" Jordan asked, trying to mask the fact that Oli was interrupting his quiet evening with his wife.

Emma looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes, gesturing to Jordan to ignore Oli, but she stopped as his face dropped after a few seconds.

"Oli? Oli, can you hear me? Are you still there? FUCK!"

"Jordan! The kids!" Emma hissed.

Jordan dropped his voice, but began pacing and panicking.

"Shit, sorry love. I think Oli's hurt, or in trouble, or something. I'm sorry, I've got to sort this out."

Emma offered her husband a warm smile and wrapped her arms around him before kissing him sweetly on the cheek.

"Shit! I knew there'd be trouble without the bond, but no, Oli always knows best!" Jordan was angry at Oli's apparent stupidity, but scared for him too. "I'd better call Vegan in too. I'm so sorry, love. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"It's ok love. There'll be other movie nights."

Jordan kissed Emma quickly on the top of her head before racing around the room grabbing his jacket and keys. He headed out to the garage, his phone on speaker as he dialled Vegan's number.

"Yeah?" Vegan answered simply.

"Vegan, it's Oli. Something's wrong." Jordan explained hastily, grabbing a few more vials of synthetic blood from the fridge in the garage. He rummaged through the back, grabbing whatever other vials he could find and shoving them into a cool bag. They'd have to figure out what was wrong at a later point but he wanted to cover as many bases as possible.

"Oli? What's happened to him?" Vegan replied, his attention now fully focussed on Jordan.

"I don't know, just something's wrong." Jordan tossed the cool bag into the back seat of the car and climbed into the front, wedging his phone into the holder on the dashboard. "He rang me just now but he sounded really awful, like he was really struggling to speak or breathe. He only got a few words out and then it went quiet."

Jordan shifted the car into gear and headed out of the garage, speeding towards Vegan's place.

"Shit. I'll get my shit together. See you in a bit?"

"Yep, I'm on my way. Be ten minutes tops."

Vegan ended the call with a simple yep and raced around his own house gathering his equipment. He had a go bag that he took on tour for occasions like this. If it wasn't Oli, it was Mat. Both of them could be so volatile, so it paid to be prepared. He ransacked his fridge for anything he could think of that might potentially help, but he and Jordan were going into this blind. Thankfully, Lee had dropped off some new ingredients and supplies earlier in the day, so he had some fresh stock to work with.

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