9. So here, you can have my heart

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After leaving Oli at the meet and greet tent, Mia felt strangely bereft. The hug had felt like everything she'd ever been missing in her life had suddenly been given to her all at once, but she brushed off the feeling as her being a bit of a fangirl. It wasn't a secret how big of a crush she'd had on Oli before all of this happened. Even after he'd upset her, there was no denying that she couldn't stop thinking about him, so to get a hug from him was the very least thing her fangirl brain wanted to deal with. Plus she'd gotten his number, and he seemed to care enough to tell her his secret; she'd almost believe he liked her back, but as far as Mia was concerned, Oli was out of her league. She was a small-time studio photographer from a rural village, he was a festival-headlining rock musician, and apparently, he was also a vampire.

Mia turned this latest revelation over in her head as she headed back to the hotel room. She pulled out a notebook and jotted down some things she wanted to ask Oli when they met after the meet and greet. He could evidently walk in daylight, but she suspected that was due to the ring he wore. She'd spotted it when she went for breakfast with him, completely enamoured by its beauty. And the band were all known for being vegans, so surely that meant they didn't eat meat - or indeed people. A shudder ran up her spine at that thought. Being vegan herself, the thought of eating meat was one she'd rather not have, but she was curious about how much vampire lore she knew was actually true. Then also what about the rest of the band? Jordan didn't have any trouble cleaning up the garlic, so it didn't affect him, and none of the others reacted the way Oli did. What did that mean? Were they mortal?

Mia's brain suddenly flashed back to Jordan talking to her when she was working My Chem's rehearsal. "You're pretty fast for a m-". Mortal, she realised. He was trying to say she was fast for a mortal. So what was Jordan? She figured he wasn't a vampire, but he wasn't entirely human either. This was hurting Mia's brain a bit, so she threw herself back into work. She grabbed her camera and some essentials and checked the artist schedule for Saturday. All Time Low were headlining tonight, but she definitely wanted to make it to see Evanescence and Bullet For My Valentine. She fired off a quick message to Gerard to see what he was up to and he replied quickly, saying that also wanted to see the same artists. He had connections with them from previous festivals and concerts, but truthfully, Mia just wanted to hang out with her friend again and chat to him about what had happened today.

Gerard met Mia just inside the entrance to the site and they chatted as they walked, Mia firing off the odd shot of the revellers as they warmed themselves up for day two of the festival. A few smaller bands had begun to play on the various stages, and Mia shot a few of those, figuring she could sell them to the music reviewers. She'd made a few connections while she'd been in the VIP areas already and most had been really impressed with what she'd shown them and promised to hire her in future. Mia wasn't that confident in her abilities, but she accepted the compliments anyway.

It got to around dinner time and the festival had gotten crowded again. Still with Gerard, Mia sat beside him as they ate. She was more careful with her food choices this time, steering well clear of anything with garlic in it, but she hadn't yet heard back from Oli. She chatted to Gerard about everything that had happened, glad to have someone to confide in.

"So, he told you I knew about his secret?" Gerard chuckled.

Mia snickered back. "Yeah, I realised you had kind of told me you knew though. He's so confusing though!"

"How so?" Gerard questioned, tilting his head curiously.

Mia tucked a random strand of hair behind her ear as she sighed. "I dunno, just some of the things he said... he made me feel so strange too..." she trailed off, scuffing her foot beneath her anxiously.

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