epilogue- what became of jacob hiell

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Valerie's funeral was held at 2:47pm and her coffin was surrounded by white tulips.

Jacob Hiell stayed in town and finished the rest of his high school education at the school him and Valerie went to.

After that, he chooses not to go to university and instead uses all his money that he inherited from his mother to open up an oncology hospital called the "Sprett Oncology Centre" in honour of Valerie and what she would have done with her life if it wasn't cut short.

As time passes by, Jacob gets better and heals from all the pain he's endured and finally accepts that he'll never love anyone as much as he loved Valerie.

He lives in Selbrook until the end of his days and his final moments were in the hospital that he and Valerie met each other in.

He passed away at 2:47am, the same time that Valerie did.

Wherever they are, wherever they may be.

Their love still lives on.

The distance between the stars will never amount to their love.


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