43➟ In which I'm finally close to finishing.

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   I think I've gotten better at pretending over the last 2 months than I have in the last 20 years of my life. If I hadn't then I wouldn't be where I am now. Divulging in the unwilling minds of the Librarian's collection in order to diminish their spirits and reduce them to submission. I had to pretend I was doing it out of fun since that's what Kitsu was doing.

I'd never met someone so old, yet so young. It was utterly confusing, to say the least. She acted like a child and used her quirk like a twisted adult. A quirk that she used with complete enthusiasm.

Her quirk was some sort of mind manipulation, somewhat similar to my own, yet she had the ability to change every single memory in your head, I could only bring up the bad ones.

"The Comission really like on-the-nose names, don't they?"

I was leaning against the wall, my head held high, despite the bring desire to stare at the floor and hide my face from the young man strapped to the chair in front of me and Kitsu, "You just mean my name? Or all the other ones?"

She shrugged, "All of them?" She walked up to the captive and patted his head. He tensed under her touch.

"They've never been that creative," I agreed, answering completely honestly.

"Ephilates - Nightmare, isn't it?" She smiled as if she were a proud kid.

"Yeah," I nodded.

She cheered, clapping her hands together before turning back to look at the man on the chair, "What's your name then?"

The man obviously didn't want to say anything, and he didn't, but it was evident by the confused look on his face what Kitsu had done. Over the last three days, I'd 'worked' beside her. She'd deal the first few blows, I was instructed to finish it off. Kitsu's tactic was to always ask me questions, remove the answer from the captive's memories, and then ask them for their own answer. Simple, yet, understandably terrifying.

The poor man in the chair had forgotten so many simple things about himself, the names of his parents, his little sister and his dog. They always get the gist after the first few questions. As soon as she asks, you won't be able to remember. It killed me inside every time I watched them realise that, followed by the look of panic when they couldn't remember the simplest of questions.

Then it was my turn. Kitsu would never remove the painful memories, the nightmares, so I could go for whatever I wanted.

What she didn't realise was that she was doing me a favour. With all the fear-related memories still intact, I could always search for one that would grant the least jarring, tamest reaction. I could distinguish between the bad and the worse.

That's what I did with the man, a fear of falling was far better than anything else I could have pulled out.

He screamed and I would've felt worse, but I'd done this enough times now to become a bit too insensitive. I could start to see how Villains could just... do it. They'd done it enough, it began to rub off on you less.

"Working hard I see my Dear."

I'd also become far too familiar with voices. I guess it was a good thing- that I could tell who was approaching me before I turned around. It was just part of life now.

"Just doing my job."

"And you'll retire to you're home this time?" The Librarian asked, a yellow grin spreading across his face.

"Do you want me to leave that badly?" I asked, my voice sounding pretty dull, like I didn't care whatever his answer was.

"No, no, I've never enjoyed one's company more than I do yours. I simply thought that you had a child-"

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