49 ➟ In which I enter a mind.

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   It was dark. So dark that shapes were lost to me. I could've been anywhere. The room could've been massive, or the walls could've been inches from my face, and I wouldn't be able to tell without trying to touch them. But as soon as I reached out my hand, it fell back to my side. There was no sense of space here. It was like the schrödinger's cat of liminal spaces. If I couldn't see it, how did I know it was there?

It was like the tendrils of black from my quirk had multiplied, covering every single surface around me, as if nothing existed anymore. It was almost like, when I activated my quirk on the Librarian, instead of seeing his fears and using those against him, I'd been engulfed by the tendrils of my own power.

Unsurprisingly, this had never happened before.

It felt like I was standing up, though I couldn't tell since I couldn't see it and therefore my brain couldn't clarify whether it was true or not. I felt myself take a step forward, but couldn't see it. I couldn't hear anything either. It was like I was in some sensory deprivation tank.

So I tried reaching out with my quirk instead, not knowing where I was pointing or if I was pointing at anything at all.


The only thing I could gather was that the air was stale like an old museum or library.

"Who are you?"

I spun on my heel, my heart running a million miles an hour, breath coming to me in short pants.

No one was there.

It sounded like a child. Almost like Rin in an odd way- but it wasn't him, there was a different pitch to the voice.

"Who's there?" I called back, hoping whoever had said that would reply.

"Who are you?"

The voice repeated. Stressing the question.

I replied, giving up my name was the least of my worries at this point, "My name's [Y/N]. Who are you?" I sent the question back their way.


"Lou," I repeated the name, pacing around in a small circle around where I had landed, somewhat unwilling to stay still despite not really knowing if I were moving at all. "Who are you Lou, do I know you?"

"No." They replied, "Not yet."

'Not yet'? I repeated the question in my head, unable to put a name to a face, or a voice. I was as blank as the void I was standing in. "Where are you?"

"Where are you?" The voice copied.

"I don't know," I replied honestly, "do you?"

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