44➟ In which I use my quirk.

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   "I'm here! I'm here!"

I turned to see Hawks burst through the door, literally flying in, with Rin hot on his heels. Rin stopped for a second when he saw me, before nodding and walking up beside Hawks. I won't lie. It did sting a little bit.

"Ah, good. I hope you brought the evidence with you too?" The President stood up to greet them, holding out a hand for the evidence to be placed into it. Rin did so accordingly.

"I suppose you'd like to be told what happened then?"

Hawks nodded, giving me a questioning look, to which I just shrugged.

The President then looked at me, "Go on then."

I was taken aback for a moment, before agreeing and relaying everything I had been told. About the Librarian's plans, the ambush, the kidnapping, funnily enough, forgetting about the torture part. I'd tell them if they asked, but they hadn't, so I'd keep it to myself.

"I want you all to stay here tonight, you can pick a room in the penthouse, and, I assume you'll both be happy about this," The President looked between me and Rin, "You'll be able to go back to what you used to do."

Rin perked up at this. "What we used to do?"

"Yes." The President nodded, "Ephialtes can return to her life as a mechanic," if they'll even let me back in the garage, I thought to myself, "and you will return to training until you're needed on the field."

He shook his head, "But I thought that I got to be a hero?"

The President raised an eyebrow, "You're too young for that boy, you have many more years in training before you're anywhere near hero level."

Rin looked at Hawks and then me, a mixture of sadness and confusion in his eyes, his voice sounding in my head, "They lied. I don't want to go back."

I cleared my throat, looking at the President, "Uh, I'm sorry, but I thought you'd told Rin he'd be able to start hero work after this mission?"

She turned to look at me, "You want him to put his life at risk?"

I held my hands up in defence, "Of course, I don't want him to get hurt- but, ha, I'm sorry, but hasn't this mission put his life at risk too? And you sent him on it? All I'm saying is that you haven't stuck to your agreement."

The President crossed her arms over her chest, "At the end of this mission, Delphi is still a Comission agent and will work under our instructions, you, on the other hand, will not, and therefore have no authority, or ability to comment on Delphi's career."

"I know," I agreed, "But doesn't he?" I asked.

"He works under a contract, and so do you until this mission is complete. You ensured that said contract sees you leaving the Comission as soon as it's complete. If you cared so much about Delphi, you wouldn't leave."

I laughed, "Sorry?"

The President shook her head, "You've always been known to act like a child, I suggest you leave and prepare for tomorrow before I notify Tartarus that you've broken your contract with the Comission and need to be detained."

"Her and her stupid fucking scare tactics."

I stared at her, "You and your stupid fucking scare tactics."

"She acts like you don't want to kill them."

"Well I guess you're lucky I want to do this then, aren't you Miss President."

"The stupid bitch thinks she owns you."

"Just because there's a contract, doesn't mean you own me."

"You should just get rid of her yourself- don't wait for the Librarian."

"I should-" I stopped myself. I didn't know where this was coming from. Whose voice that was- because it sure as hell wasn't anyone's in the room- nor was it mine.


I turned to look at Hawks, who had a worried look on his face.


He looked down at my hands, and I followed his line of vision. Black tendrils were flowing freely out of my fingertips- as if they had a mind of their own. They were inching slowly toward the President, whilst a few were inching back toward me too.

I shook my hands, willing the tendrils back into my fingers, ignoring the distant shouts of protest that sounded in the back of my mind, like someone else than Rin was in there. How hadn't I realised I was using my quirk?

Perhaps it was because I was agitated. Tired and agitated. That was it.

"Look," I held up a hand, "I'm just going to go to the room, we can talk about all of this in the morning."

The President just looked at me, her eyes dragging down to my hands, where the parasitic tendrils of black had just been reaching out from, a discernable lack of surprise on her face before she waved us off, "Go. Be back for 6."

Hawks nodded for both Rin and me, the two of us leaving together, Hawks following behind us, only a few moments after us.


I looked to my left, "Hm."

Rin shrugged, "Thanks." He looked away, keeping his eyes on the floor as we walked down the corridor.

"No problem," I replied, smiling to myself.

"No problem," I replied, smiling to myself

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