The Mini Imposters

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I do not own KHR! Otherwise there would've been an arc containing more about the 1st gen. (Time travel)

A frustrated look flitted across Tsuna's face as he came into the inventors room. "What is it now Giannini. It's the middle of the night." Giannini in the mean time was sorting through tools and muttering to himself. "Giannini!" The yell reverberated n the room, scaring Giannini. "Tenth, I just need you to call Lambo here, it's very, very important."

Tsuna's killing intent came out in waves. His face became dark and he hissed out several phrases that made Giannini pale. "Or you can just go back to bed Tenth and get Lambo to come here tomorrow morning.". He yelped out frantically. Tsuna stalked his way out of the room, unhappy with the reason he was called for.


Morning hit and Tsuna was cursing the sunlight that came through his window. He got up and scowled as he remembered last night. He couldn't sleep for the next few hours after the interruption and was now very tired.

He dressed into a suit before heading towards the kitchen. "Ohayo Juudaime." Gokudera said as he saw Tsuna walking in. He backed off though as the aura around him seemed more deadly than usual.

It was known in the Vongola mansion that if Tsuna didn't have his coffee in the morning, well, things were going to go to hell. Usually a simple good morning was used as Tsuna replied the same. But it seemed that today was different.

Tsuna drank his coffee slowly and menacingly. As the coffee in his mug reached the bottom, Tsuna went back to normal. "Oh, minna. What are you doing all the way over there?" The guardians looked at Tsuna as Tsuna innocently smiled in confusion.

"Tsuna-nii is scary." "Eh? Lambo?" "Nothing to worry about boss." Chrome interjected before Tsuna could reply. "By the way Lambo, Giannini wanted you at his lab. Make sure he doesn't touch the 10 year Bazooka in the meanwhile."

Slowly the group drifted apart doing several things. Tsuna forced Gokudera and Yamamoto to do paperwork with him as the day dragged on. Yamamoto filled and signed a piece of paper before moving on. The next piece of paper was odd, being submitted by the Varia. "Tsuna, I think you need to see this."

That piece of paper ended up in the hands of Tsuna who called a meeting right after. Everyone was confused as to why they were holding a meeting, except Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto of course.

"Listen up, the Varia has found traces of a mafia famiglia that's growing rapidly right now. They say that they don't know who it is though, it's just a rumour at this point." Tsuna said calmly. "Although it's probably not a problem, Squalo wants us to check it out. And if Varia is asking us, we should check." Hibari only rolled his eyes and muttered several words.

Hibari sighed while taking out a file. He tossed it over to Tsuna who raised an eyebrow at the file and gesture. "A file about the Shimon?" Tsuna opened the file and sighed. It was the Shimon who was making a rapid rise in the underground. "Varia making me call this meeting for nothing."

But as Tsuna was talking to himself, Gokudera stretched and accidentally hit Lambo in the face. Lambo at the time was holding the 10 year Bazooka and dropped it onto the floor. "Oh no."


The next thing that happened was a plume of smoke, engulfing the entire room. When it cleared, Tsuna and his guardians found themselves in a forest. "What just extremely happened?" Ryohei shouted questioningly.

They were all in child bodies and their clothes were in a mess around them. One thing led to another and the conclusion they came up with was the 10 year Bazooka. "But this can't be the future." Mukuro mused to himself. "The past?" They all thought together as they glanced around.

"But why in bodies of kids?" Chrome asked. Tsuna shook his head the question before remembering Giannini and him calling Lambo to his lab. "Lambo." Lambo immediately froze and glanced to the side. He was in the same body that he had before the smoke. "You let Giannini take the 10 year Bazooka even though I told you to not let him. Didn't -"

Tsuna was stopped short as warning bells started to ring loudly in his head. "Hide." Without questioning, everyone hid in the trees and bushes with their clothes. A rustling sound came from the other side and out came G and Asari.

Shock ran through the 10th generation and they watched the two first generation guardians. "Giotto said to check here because his Hyper Intuition was going off. But nothing's here." G growled at no one in particular. "Ara? Giotto's Hyper Intuition isn't wrong, so there should be something." Asari responded.

"We're in Primo's time. 400 years in the past. 400 years." Tsuna scowled in his mind.

Asari suddenly threw his short sword at a bush. A rabbit came hopping out, scared from the sudden blade flying at it. "No one, I thought someone was there."

Meanwhile, a meter away from the blade was Yamamoto who had goosebumps. "I only released my presence for a short while and he instantly threw his sword." Yamamoto was thankful for the rabbit that was beside him at the time. Otherwise they would've started exploring the area more.

"Maybe Giotto's devil intuition is finally getting off it's mark." G said while smirking. "Maa, I'm sure it's not that." Their voices started fading into the distance.

Tsuna and everyone else slinked out of their hiding spots and were just about to discuss when Asari came back. "It's only for a minute G, I have to get my-"

Asari froze at the sight that was before him. "Asari? Asari?" G also showed up and started paling. Currently the 1st Gen and the 10th Gen were having a very awkward stare off.


And so, Giotto showed up, clutching his head as he walked into the clearing. "G, my intuition kept getting larger and you just called me so you better not be complaining about my so called devil intuition." He ranted as he walked.

That's when he stopped and looked directly at Tsuna. "Grab them."

A flurry of activity happened; the now kid guardians tried to escape, the 1st Gen scrabbled to catch them, Alaude appeared out of nowhere and the 10th Gen kept stumbling due to their new bodies.

In the end, the entire 10th Gen was stuck inside of an interrogation room.
"So what are we going to do with these mini imposters?"

Ciao! I don't know if you read my profile info but just so you know, I love time travel and reincarnation fics and such. So I was really excited to write this but I didn't write it until nowwwwww. So I hope that you look forward to the next chapter? Anyways, arrivederci!

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