Secretive Skies

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It was a bright sunny day at the Vongola Mansion. The skies were a bright blue and the garden was absolutely buzzing with life. That was until you got over to the southern side of the garden.

Although it seemed nothing but happy chatter, the two people talking were using verbal techniques to unravel the other.

"So Tsuna, what did you do out on the streets?" 'Are you really an orphan?'. "Nothing much, just played a lot with my family, ate and slept." 'I was just with my group, is there a problem?'. Then Giotto stuttered to a stop, they were at the edge of the garden where several benches were.

"Sit, dinner is quite far away so we might as well talk here." Tsuna looked up at Giotto with wide eyes before plopping down onto the bench. He swung his legs and tried to look as childish as possible while deflecting the verbal attacks. He desperately tried to pass it off as nothing but a child's wit.

Giotto hesitated slightly before asking the question, "So is your family the friends you had with you?". "Yes," Giotto was taken aback for a bit because of the sudden fierce protectiveness and passionate care in his eyes. "They are some of my most precious people to me, and I would give up anything for them."

"Is that so, you must all care for each other very much." "We care for each other a lot, even Mukuro and Kyoya even though they always fight. Hayato still cares for Lambo too even though they tend to get on each others nerves often. Even Lambo cares for everyone although he's younger than us and-". Giotto watched Tsuna come to life as he kept talking about them, his family.

Quietly he observed 'for a 6 year old to talk so animatedly, they must have been through a lot together.'. Tsuna was tugging on his sleeve indicating he was finished talking and wanted a reply. "All I can say is that my family is the same." Giotto smiled broadly after saying this and began to talk in the same manner as Tsuna, brightly talking about his own family. 

They put out their own experiences with their families (Tsuna carefully changing some info as he talked about his memories.) and they laughed as nostalgia took a hold of them. Eventually things died down as dinner time came closer, using closing remarks to end the conversation before Giotto remembered.

He turned to Tsuna, a bit wary. "Who is this 'compass eye' that has told you things." Tsuna had a fox like grin on his face as Giotto drew out the question. "Why Cozart Shimon of course, I saw a relative of his a few months ago. He told me you guys were good friends." Giotto couldn't detect a lie but he knew something was off. "So who is this relative?" "Can't tell you!" Tsuna grinned before leaping off the bench.

He started dashing quite a distance away before calling out to Giotto. "I think I heard the dinner bell and I'm getting hungry so hurry up and run.". Giotto groaned a bit before stretching out any kinks in his joints and set off running.

Tsuna was giggling slightly by the door that led from the garden to inside. Giotto was panting as he came up to him. "So slow.". Giotto merely gave him a little bonk on the head before holding his hand and walking inside.

The dining hall was filled with activity as cooks brought out the steaming hot food and placed it onto the table. The maids and butlers were still bringing out the last touches of decorations and cutlery and stood to the side. Tsuna turned to the side and caught a glimpse of Chrome being somewhat reluctantly carried by Daemon and Mukuro trailing behind with a slight frown. And behind them was the skylarks coming in side by side with immense pressure around them.

Gokudera had a scowl while pouting at the same time as G was holding his wrist to drag him inside, the two rains were laughing gently at the scenario before them and the storms turned around and hissed. Lampo simply holding Lambo precariously with a disgusted face. Ryohei and Knuckles busted through the door with a large shout, announcing their arrival to the entire room.

Tsuna laughed at the sight, along with Giotto, they both were used to seeing the antics of their famiglia except now it was double the trouble. 

They sat down in their respective seats, the mini's (10th Gen) sat beside their respective caretaker and chatted (save the fruits and skylarks). It was a large meal, the plates were filled to the brim and the maids on the side were cooing at the younger kids that were seated around the table. Tsuna turned around and blinked before giving his brightest smile, the maids almost fainted at the cuteness.

Giotto looked back to see some maids squealing and a smiling Tsuna before making the connection. He hoped that he wouldn't ever fall victim to that smile and resumed eating with a thoughtful face. Soon enough, Tsuna and his child body decided it was time to sleep right after finishing about 3 quarters of his plate. Giotto calmly wiped some sauce and other food items off Tsuna's mouth and promptly picked him up.

Tsuna was alarmed but his body was heavily protesting the movement and he soon fell asleep in Giotto's arms, head nestled against Giotto's chest. He got up and went out of the room, deciding Tsuna would sleep in his room until they got other rooms for them. So a very sleepy Tunafish and the First Sky went to bed.


Reborn was irritated, scratch that, he was almost at his capacity of his patience. Tsuna and his guardians disappeared into thin air while he had his back turned for only one meeting, ONE. He knew they weren't kidnapped because he trained them to the point of not being able to be kidnapped, at all. 

He stormed to the technician's room with a certain 10 year Bazooka in his hands that was lying so innocently amidst several chairs. Now if they were hit by the bazooka it would only take 5 - 10 mins for them to come back so that possibility was half scratched out. He would need confirmation first from Irie, Spanner and Giannini that they didn't modify it.

Reborn slammed the door open and several very shocked technicians stood in his wake. "Did any of you touch this and you better be speaking the damn truth, otherwise." He got a glint in his eye that made Giannini take a large gulp. "Well, I sorta-" "Giannini. What. Did. I. Say. About. Touching. Things." Giannini shrank back behind Irie who was frantically trying to get away. 

"Not to." He squeaked as Reborn came closer. "Track them, now."

Hullo! How are you dear readers? I have finally finished this part.... BANZAI!~ We are going to cut to every single guardian view, meaning each weather will have their time/part. I've made Tsuna quite OOC but I can't really do anything now...     So, school has started on my end and it will make my update time even longer, sorry! I'm sorry for always updating so late all the time too :( I will eventually get this thing finished though so do not worry. The stories are going to be quite awkward in some ways but please try to bear with it! I hope that you have fun reading! (Hopefully...) Ciao for now!

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