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KHR does not belong to me! I'm merely one of the many fangirls in the KHR fandom

The 10th Gen started fidgeting restlessly as the 1st Gen was discussing. "No matter how much he looks like me he isn't my son G." Giotto hissed at G. "For all I know that silverette over there is your kid." G glared at him with a fierce intensity.

"Are you sure? That kid awfully looks like you." Daemon said teasingly. "Shut your mouth melon." They both started fuming until Alaude shut them both down.

They glanced over at the kids who were at the back of the room. Now dressed in 'normal clothes' that 'normal kids' would wear. All the guardians gathered at the interrogation room after word got around the mansion of mini-guardians.

"Why don't we just go ask them the questions ourselves to the max?" Knuckles questioned. Giotto started walking over to the kids as soon as the words escaped Knuckles mouth. "Hello, little ones. Can I ask you some questions?" All the kid-guardians turned to Tsuna for the ok. They received the ok through a nod and Giotto understood the sign as well.

Giotto settled himself in front of them while observing. "They seem very protective of my look-alike. But why?" "Who are you first of all and how did you get into that forest?" He started calmly. Intently looking at their faces to see a change of emotion, but was surprised to see no change.

Tsuna stopped anyone else answering the question as he spoke up instead. "We are orphans and we just woke up into the forest. Did we do something wrong in the forest?" "The orphans part isn't necessarily true, it's a half truth. We're orphans in this era." The others glanced at Tsuna with a bit of shock but knew that he said the white lie with a reason. 

"He's not telling the whole truth." Giotto determined with his HI (Hyper Intuition). "Is there anything wrong with that." Hibari growled at Giotto in distaste. With collective nods and murmurs from around Tsuna, Giotto backed off a little. "Can you possibly introduce yourselves at least?"

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, but please, call me Tsuna." Tsuna said while smiling up at Giotto. "Tch, if Juudaime does it. Gokudera Hayato." He turned away and glared slightly at Giotto and the 1st Gen behind him. "Maa maa Hayato. Well then, Yamamoto Takeshi." He said while rubbing his head sheepishly. "Sasagawa Ryohei to the extreme!" Punching the air in triumph, Ryohei then calmed a bit with a look from Tsuna. "Lambo Bovino." He started searching his pockets for candy frantically to find one piece of grape candy. Chrome gave Lambo some of the candy she had stashed on her to Lambo. "Chrome D-dokuro." She stuttered silently. "Kufufufufu~, Rokudo Mukuro" Narrowing his eyes and smirking, he looked pointedly at Daemon. "Hibari Kyoya." 'Hn' he grunted towards the 1st Gen, gauging their strength. "Hajimemashite. (Nice to meet you.)"

Giotto and Co. simply stood with shock at the similarities. "It's not possible for them to be this similar to us." Alaude thought with pure curiosity. "Japanese?" They all thought with a twinge of familiarity due to Asari. "Can we move on or what. We need to get moving right now." Gokudera snapped at the adults. "Can't we just adopt you guys though?" Giotto said out loud. That caused an uproar with the people surrounding him. 

"First of all we don't even know who these brats are-""They said they were orphans earlier though.""Shut your mouth Giotto, they could be spies from an enemy famiglia for all I know. Another thing is that we would need to get adoption papers and who would we get that from? Even if they were orphans, they could have just ran away from an orphanage!" Tick marks started forming on Giotto as G ranted on. "Maa G, calm down a bit." Asari started from the side before being the new target of G's ranting. It started to get bigger from there. 

The 10th Gen watched with interest as the fight grew. It was almost the exact same as their fights when they start getting riled up. "Why not?" They looked down at the mini-Giotto that was in front of them. 

"Kid, do you know who we are? It's not good to mess around with people like us." "Is it really that bad G, storm guardian and childhood friend of Giotto di Vongola, also known as Vongola Primo, the don of the newly formed Vongola famiglia? You're famiglia is becoming no.1 in the underground right now, more good things are happening around you. More alliances, more trades, and you're able to protect this village you hold so dear. I heard whispers about a compass eye by the way." Tsuna started smiling again at the looks of shock on the faces of the older ones. Sure they expected for him to maybe not to know anything or maybe even that Vongola was mafia but not this. Not this in-depth information.

"In fact, we know a lot of things from the underground. When you are on the streets, things reach your ear quite quickly." The 1st Gen concluded that they were orphans, even if they were spies, dons wouldn't give them a lot of info if they were kids. It's hard sometimes to give trusted secrets to younger ones, especially if they are meant to be spies.

Plus they said 'on the streets' which could mean anything but word does get around quick when you live in such a tightly knit community like this. How Tsuna gained the title orphan in the 1st Gen's eyes so quickly was thanks to Reborn and his spartan training that he gave him.  


"Pay attention Dame-Tsuna. Sometimes you need to go undercover in certain missions so you will learn how to disguise yourself from others and make a new persona that people can easily trust. If your persona is unsteady it can ruin everything so listen up, you need to make people quickly trust your title, whether it ranges from a shop keeper to a CEO doesn't matter. Just make sure people thinks you are that one thing only." 

Reborn then whacked the papers in his hands and placed it on Tsuna's desk. "These are all undercover missions, you fail a single one," Reborn's eye glinted with a sadistic glee, "it's quadruple the training times and double the fights with Hibari." "NOOOO." Needless to say, Tsuna was able to complete all of them without fail.

*Flashback End*

Tsuna shuddered a bit from the memory that resurfaced. Chrome tugged on Tsuna's shirt again and whispered in his ear. "Oh, arigato Chrome, now what do you say about the adoption." Chrome smiled at him before giving back a 'your welcome'. Wordlessly Alaude gave Giotto a bunch of adoption papers with a frustrated look on his face. Giotto looked up at Alaude with surprise while accepting the papers with an owlish face. "Omnivore, I'm leaving."

Giotto sighed with the already expected leave. He shifted through the papers to find not a lot of info regarding them. Just the names and the nationalities listed on the paper. "I thought Alaude could do better." But he was even more shocked when he saw Alaude's signature on one of the sheets for adoption, the kid that looked like him, Hibari Kyoya.

"I guess that means we're each going to harbor a look-alike then." Giotto breathed out. "I guess that means I'm with you Primo-san." Giotto blinked at the sudden declaration Tsuna gave. "Eh? But I don't want to be with that snotty nosed brat." Lampo complained towards Giotto, Giotto paying no mind and just held Tsuna's hand before walking towards the door.

Giotto paused at the door and gave out instructions to the leftover guardians in the room. "We'll split up for know and get to know our 'spouse' for now. Make sure to come to dinner at 6, we'll also try to prepare everything then." They then started splitting up reluctantly with an exception of few enjoying the presence of the mini (cough Asari and Knuckles cough cough). 

"Now let's see if they have any lies in that head of theirs." Giotto thought to himself as they walked down the hallway to the garden.

Ciaossu! I think I've messed this chapter up pretty hard. Or maybe I haven't. I seriously don't know anything at this point. So how the next few chapters are going to go is maybe 1 or 2 pairs (meaning a 10th Gen and a 1st Gen) per chap. I guess it's up to you guys. I hope that right now I'm writing something good. I don't exactly have a certain schedule to uploading, I kind of write when I want to write, I guess in a way that's a bad thing.... but never mind that for now. I will definitely complete this story! I hope you look forward to the next chapter! 

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