Moody Storms

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I do not own KHR at all!

Gokudera watched Tsuna leave the room with Giotto and put on a sullen face. A scowling G came up to Gokudera when making the connection that his happiness was connected to Tsuna's presence/happiness.

"Come on brat, I'm going to give you a tour of the mansion." Gokudera scoffed once he realized G was talking to him. Besides, he already knew the interior pretty well considering that this was just an old version of the one in the future, not like G would know that. He agreed anyways, not wanting to really disappoint the First Vongola boss (and Tsuna). So they somehow stayed quiet for most of the time with out arguing. 

Gokudera in the meantime though was unconsciously taking them to the music room. G was surprised when the little kid started walking through the halls as if he  already lived here. But he stayed quiet and waited to see where they were going. After several twists and turns, G realized they were going towards Asari's music room.  

When they arrived at the location, Gokudera was shocked to learn that he was leading this entire time and that the room was different from as it was in the future. Well, of course it would be different, it is the past after all, and the entire room was Japanese themed compared to the more modern feel they had in the future. But what Gokudera was worried about at this point was that G was with him the entire time, possibly observing.  He slightly glanced to the side, seeing what G would do, but surprisingly, he just gestured for them to go inside. Gokudera just hopes that G would brush it off as a child's wandering.

The room was mostly used by Asari, seeing that nearly the entire room was covered in Japanese instruments and a few more western ones on the side. "This is Asari's music room, Giotto was more than happy to provide something for that flute-freak after he came from Japan." G spoke with a flat tone as he explained. Gokudera in the meantime was racing over to another instrument in the corner of the room. "There's a- hey, wait! You shouldn't be touching stuff!" Gokudera was seeing if the keys were tuned and almost smiled to himself that it was.

He scowled over his shoulder at G as he approached with a look that said 'back off'. "You probably can't even play anything brat." "First of all Pinky, I'm not a brat, and secondly, I can play more than you can." G growled at the nickname he earned, his hair was a light red. He watched though as Gokudera started playing several scales and a few little songs as if to prove his point. Gokudera whipped his head around with a glare.

"I probably can play better than you." G declared as he walked towards Gokudera. Sparks flew as their eyes met, waiting to see what the other could do. "Move over brat." Gokudera begrudgingly did so while grumbling about the use of the word brat but listened from the side. G started with a contemplating face but soon started off with a melody. It was maybe two minutes in when he turned his head to see Gokudera with his head down. G abruptly stopped the song and frowned at the small figure beside the chair. G knew that something was wrong and got up quietly. He soon saw small wet stains on the shirt that Gokudera was wearing.

"How do you know that song?" A shaky voice that held a dozen different emotions came out of Gokudera's mouth with hesitance. "The song?" G glanced back to the piano and looked back at Gokudera with quiet confusion. "I learnt it when I was younger, someone in my family composed it and I've known it ever since, even after I was orphaned." G didn't know why he was telling Gokudera this but for some reason, he felt like he needed to. "Oh," was the weak reply that came from Gokudera.

The doors opened, coming through them was the rain guardian pair. They stood by the door, smiling at the storm guardians. Soon enough, G turned around and a very weary Gokudera was shown behind him. Yamamoto saw this and made a beeline towards Gokudera with a happy face but a grim aura around him. "Hayato, were you playing the piano earlier?" Gokudera simply shook his head. "So G played it?" "Yes he did you baseball-idiot." Gokudera finally looked up, his eyes slight red and looking towards Yamamoto with a hidden thanks. 

Asari walked towards the three with a calm demeanor and simply ruffled Yamamoto's hair. "I was going to show Takeshi here my shakuhachi and play something before going off to the dojo, but it seems that you beat us here." Yamamoto stepped back a bit away from Gokudera and smiled. "Well, we might as well just go to the dojo now." Yamamoto said smoothly. Gokudera spoke up though and looked at G, "No, it's okay, we were about to go somewhere else." G looked back at him and agreed before guiding the said boy out the door.

They were now in G's room and there were a multitude of things  placed around the room. A simple bed was in the corner and beside it was a multitude of guns. Books were at another side and a door to a washroom simply placed at the back of the room. "I'm going to get some things before we get going to some other places." G started shuffling to the other end of the room and rummaged through his drawer beside his bed. Gokudera looked immensely bored as G started to take ages, so he promptly picked up one of the guns and looked at it while G still had his back turned.

Frowning at how dirty it was he started to disassemble it and clean it with a cloth he found nearby. He also started disassembling his dynamites and reassemble them as time started ticking even longer. With practiced ease, he took the fuse and laid down some of the gunpowder separately. "Done brat, now let's get going." Was what G said calmly until he turned around and laid his eyes on Gokudera inserting the fuses back into his dynamite. "What are you doing? And why did you touch my gun?" G started yelling at the silverette with his temper flaring. 

Gokudera looked up at G belatedly with the at least ninth scowl today and then started reassembling the gun parts that were scattered around him. G looked on with surprise at how Gokudera even knew how to do anything like that in general. "Well Pinky you left this gun all dirty and covered in gunpowder so I felt the need to clean up your messy work here." He hissed over to the larger storm guardian. "Maybe if you noticed that I left it like that because the trigger is broken and I was going to repair it and clean it at the same time." G hissed back over. "I don't have mind reading powers,  wouldn't know that Pinky." Gokudera started shouting back at the hot tempered man. A vein started throbbing and a full on spat started in G's room. 

It wasn't until they heard another voice added into their yelling dd they turn around. It was a small cowering maid who had to yell so that they would stop and get some dinner. "Tch, come on brat." But Gokudera started  to pout and stood silently while looking at the ground. G sighed before grabbing Gokudera's arm and started dragging him to the dinner hall. G just glanced down occasionally at the pouting kid that was being dragged along before rolling his eyes at the face he was making. 

They finally got into the dinner hall which was filled with activity. Slowly sitting down, they didn't look at each other out of sheer stubbornness. Eventually, things were coming to an end at the dinner table. While Gokudera and Yamamoto were arguing (more like Gokudera arguing and Yamamoto laughing it off), they noticed the sudden decline of noise and people in the room. Suddenly, Gokudera fell back and couldn't move but hit something soft while falling. He turned around to see G staring at him intently and hissed at him. 

Gokudera started to fall asleep against his will, constantly having his eyes start to droop and his body stumbling with their actions. It wasn't until G picked him up and started walking did Gokudera start to really give in. Gokudera tried with all his might to glare at G but with no avail as his eyelids started becoming heavier. Soon enough, Gokudera was conked out against G, soft breaths heard as they walked down the hall.

Hulloooo~ how are ya? Sorry. SOOOOORRRYYY. I took so long to update and school is such a pain. Everything is troublesome and work keeps building up and etc. I know it sounds like empty excuses but yes, it's true. For some reason, I really love the storm guardian pair as father an- whoops, you shouldn't start thinking that too soon. I have a lot of heavy twists coming up ahead as soon as I finish all the perspectives. Anyways, I wrote more for this chapter than I did for the last chapter *gasp* but I guess you guys deserve it because you've waited for so long. I made Gokudera so OOC but in a way I want him like that because of the upcoming chapters soooooo. And yes, G can play the piano. You probably already know why Gokudera reacted like that if you are paying enough attention. Next is the Rain Guardiannnsss. See ya!

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