Unaffected Suns

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I do not own KHR~

Ryohei looked up at his counterpart, contemplating about the next few actions he was about to take. He was still technically one of the eldest of the guardians. Him, Hibari and Mukuro still needed to look out for the younger members. Although Ryohei is sure that Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto and the others can hold by themselves, he still watched over them. Ryohei felt a tap to his shoulder and looked up to see the older sun looking down and smiling. 

Knuckle motioned for Ryohei to follow him and opened the door. Ryohei padded softly down the corridor and was a bit startled when Knuckle turned around rapidly. "You're so quiet that I almost thought you weren't even behind me." "Nope, I'm just thinking to the extreme." He exclaimed loudly back. (I know how contradictory this sounds, Ryohei and quiet do not always belong in the same sentence.)

Knuckle just chuckled at Ryohei's shout and muttered 'youth to the max' as he kept walking. They chatted with loud shouts that littered their conversation. The chat was a pleasant chat that was filled with standard questions. Although Ryohei didn't always seem as smart, he still knew that any mistakes can lead to consequences. Consequences he would prefer not to have any time soon. So he kept his mouth shut about anything that might reveal too much. The sun pair browsed through the entire mansion, even stopping by the kitchen to pick up some snacks. They saw the other pairs as they roamed through the halls but never bothered to say hi as they were too preoccupied with their own business. 

Eventually, they stumbled upon the workout room outside, nearby Asari's dojo. It was entirely composed of stone and concrete bricks. Vines tangled itself along the outer walls and a standard wood door stood by the entrance. A stone path led the way to the door. Ryohei tilted his head to the side and looked back at Knuckle. "It is my training room to the max!" He declared proudly back at Ryohei. "Extreme!" Ryohei yelled back. He had been hoping to stretch his muscles and get something done ever since they arrived in the past. He swung open the door and ran in, Knuckle chuckling as he walked in behind him.  The interior was simple but pleasant. Wood benches lined the wall, a boxing ring was in the center of the room, and there was boxes of other materials placed by the entrance. The walls were made of stone, large circular stones that fitted together, the gaps filled with cement. There was a large rectangular window at the back of the room where light shined in. A small plant, a cross, and other little things were put by the window. The only other thing that stood out was the door that Ryohei guessed was the entrance to a washroom or another storage room.

Ryohei saw a box beside him which had a few boxing gloves sticking out. He opened the lid fully and rummaged through it, looking for a size that might fit him. He was disappointed to see there wasn't anything his size but was left content with the bandages that he found which he quickly wrapped around his hands. "You know how how to box to the max?" Knuckle asked after observing Ryohei wrap his knuckles (Get it? Sorry...) "Yes to the extreme! I love boxing, I use it to protect my family to the extreme!" Knuckle had a look of surprise across his face before it morphed back into the grin that he had before. A flashback to a few years back bounced around his mind, when he promised that he would protect Vongola, that he would protect his comrades, that he would protect Giotto. 

"You want to spar then to the max?" Ryohei nodded his violently. "First we need to warm up then, I'll go change out of my robes." Knuckle shuffled to the other door. Ryohei thought of the warm ups that he usually did and yelled out a 'yosh' before he began moving. He started off with some regular exercises such as a light jog and a few sets of push ups. His eyes started sparkling though when he saw the punching bag that was laying on the floor beside the boxing ring. The only problem was, how would he get it to hang? He tried all sorts of tactics, his last resort being jumping off the side of the ring and hang it. Ryohei had a fire in his eyes, jumping and then gracefully landing on his face. At least the punching bag was up and hanging from the ceiling. 

Ryohei punched the bag, surprised at how weak his body was. He frowned before starting to punch the bag more vigorously. The bag started flying back further and further until a rip formed. Knuckle just came out of the room when he saw Ryohei punch it one more time and all of the filling coming out. Ryohei immediately deactivated the sun flames he had on his fists that he started using midway of his punching practice as soon as he saw Knuckle. The bag had a small rip in the front but had a large tear in the back. "I'm extremely sorry for ruining your punching bag!" Knuckle had no idea how it had even got there or how this little boy was able to destroy it but was excited nonetheless. 

With great enthusiasm, Knuckle let on an easy spar. It wasn't anything too harsh and Ryohei knew that he had to hold back anything too grand. They carried on any small talk they had from earlier while sparring, yelling in the process. Eventually there was a short break where they caught their breath and drank some water that was placed by a butler who came by earlier. "You said that you learned boxing to protect your family to the max. Who is your family exactly?" Ryohei jumped a tiny bit at the question. It was a simple question really but how would he describe other people that are not in the past with him? He contemplated before deciding on an answer. "My family," he said with a bit of hesitance, "Is the people I love and care about to the extreme." "Yes, but is there someone exactly?" "Well there is Tsuna, Hayato, Takeshi, Chrome, Lambo, Mukuro, Kyoya, and others like Kyoko and Hana." Knuckle recognized the first few names that popped up, they were the other kids that were with him, but he didn't recognize the next two names. "I actually have a lot of people that I care about to the extreme. The names I have said are only a few to the extreme!" Ryohei carried on his little conversation, talking about the other people that he would protect. 

Knuckle laughed a booming laugh, he started his own chain of people that he would protect. It carried on like that for a while. They told stories back and forth and totally forgot about the meaning of a short break. Ryohei perked up when he thought he heard the sound of the dinner bell going off. He tugged on Knuckle's clothes and motioned towards the door. "You're right to the max! Wait here, I have to change back into my robes."

Ryohei fiddled with his clothes. He was getting restless in his seat on the wooden bench. Suddenly getting up he started yelling 'extreme' and jogging around the room once more. "Youth to the max!" Knuckle yelled once he saw Ryohei jogging around the room. "Come, we must replenish our energy with food to the max." Knuckle yelled. With another 'extreme' they started dashing down the path and into the mansion. The promise of food was enough to get them sprinting. They slammed the doors open to the dinner hall, yelling loudly about their presence. It was met with some winces and laughter as they took their seats at the table, waiting for the food to be served. 

Ryohei occasionally bothered Gokudera or someone else by yelling but in the end, he started stuffing his mouth. His cheeks were bulging and his mouth had food smeared around it. Knuckle picked up a napkin and wiped the food contents off his face. Ryohei blushed a little before stuffing more food into his mouth, Knuckle getting a muffled thank you in return.  He couldn't really remember the last time that someone wiped his face of food. Ryohei sat back in his seat, waiting for some kind of dismissal, he never was given any instruction as to where he would go next after all. He looked up at Knuckle, his eyelids starting to droop, watching the priest finish his meal. 

Ryohei was soon enough fully conked out in his chair, snoring and everything. Knuckle looked over once he finished his meal, wiping his mouth. He let out a little huff of amusement seeing how Ryohei was crumpled in his seat like that. Knuckle picked up the little sun guardian and started walking to the door, the maids and butlers already cleaning up the table. The hall was dimly lit, candles illuminating the way down the hallway. The only thing you could hear was the quiet footsteps, Ryohei's snoring and Asari's quiet humming from another hallway.

Long time no see minna... wow... I'm a terrible person. I haven't updated in 3 months, 3 months. It's like when you want to keep reading a fic only to see the last time it was updated was in 2012 *shudder*.  Plus it's not even that much of a long chapter... what I'm really impressed about though is the amount of reads and votes that I have gotten. Thank you all so very much! Even though my writing style isn't the greatest and still needs improvement, you guys are still reading which is amaze. Thanks for reading through my cringy writing style... I will try to get out the next update very soon! The next chapter will be the Lightning Guardians!

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