Calum- The Fight

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you and Calum have been going out for 2 and half years, but lately things haven’t been going too smoothly. You too would fight, even over the smallest, but today Calum decided to bring up the topic of fighting over dinner which only caused a bigger fight to happen. This was the last string and you had, had enough, you walked out the door leaving Cal all by himself. You had walked out on him before but you always ended up finding your way back to him, but this time you were sure you weren’t coming back, there was no point in staying if all you are going to be doing is just yelling at each other all the time. You went to your parents’ house than night to spend the night and then get your things in a few days. When you went to back last night you phone wouldn’t stop going off, Calum ringing you, texting you and sometimes you would also have Michael, Luke, and Ashton calling you. You were just about to turn off you phone so you could sleep when Michael texted you “I know you don’t want to talk to Calum but he’s really scared that you’re in danger, please just let one of us know that you are safe.” You and Michael had always been really close, best friends, so you decided you text him back “I’m fine” and then you turned your phone off to get some sleep.

When you woke up the next day there were some familiar voices coming from down stairs. You quickly got changed and went down stars to see Michael and Luke talking to your parents. They looked like they had been crying, but why would they be crying they didn’t break up with their girlfriends. Luke saw you and hit Michael on his arm “ow Luke” Michael said and then saw you and was like “oh” Luke walked up to you just you slowly walked back “why are you here?” you asked him not really wanting to know the answer but you knew that you had to ask it “Calum, he is a mess, it hasn’t even been 24 hours and he’s just a mess, he needs you back, he’s been drinking, yelling at us. He has even said that he’s thinking about leaving the band. Y/N please. Just come back and talk to him.” Luke said sounding scared for Calum “He needs you Y/N. We all need you. You help us keep the band together even in our darkest moments.” Michael stepped in talking “I don’t know, he really did hurt me, and I don’t want to be an in relationship where all we are doing is yelling all the time” you said nearly in tears “we know, and I know we are asking for a big favour but please can you just talk to him” Michael asked you, begging you. “I’ll talk to him but that’s it” you said heading back up to your room to get ready to leave. Once you were ready to leave you got in the car with Luke and Michael to head back to your old place. 

You got your key out and walked through the front door of your old place. It was dark, there were no light on, all the blinds were down but the TV was on. “He’s turned into a mess” Luke said coming up behind you. “Where is he?” you asked him, “in his room with ash”. You slowly walked up to yours and Calums room. You opened the door “Cal?” you asked him on the verge of tears “y/n!” he yelled, you couldn’t see anything because the room was pitch black. You turned the light on and you saw him with Ashton by his side trying to calm him down. “I’ll leave you too to it” Ashton said getting up leaving the room. “Calum, what are you doing to yourself?” you asked him, now crying “I’m sorry okay, what we were doing, all of the fighting it wasn’t us, I don’t know what happened but I’m sorry everything I did was stupid. I need you in my life, I’m a mess without you, please! I’m still wearing the bracelet you gave me, and remember I promised that as long as I’m wearing it, it means that I love you. I’m still wearing and I’m never going to take it off. I’m sorry for everything, but I love you I really do” he was crying more than you “Calum I’m not here to try and fix things between us, I’m here to help you get your life back together” you sighed. Calum was frozen “but I’m a mess without you” “but when we are together we are even a bigger mess Cal, please stop trying to lock everyone out and start talking to people before it’s too late Calum. Can you at least try for me? Please?” you asked Calum, he slowly nodded you head and whispered “for you” you walked up to him and said “I’ll see you around” and with that you walked out the door.

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