Luke- De-cafe Boy and Coffee Girl

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Love. Fate. Two things that make the world go around. The definition of love “An intense feeling of deep affection.” The definition of fate “The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.” To say that there are definitions to these words would be such an unthoughtful thing to do. Saying that there is a meaning behind these words is like saying you know the meaning behind why we are here. These words can flip your world around. The two words can do something so uncommon, so thoughtful yet so unthought-of for and something that people only dream of, something that they want to happen to them. For there is no way you can make yourself meet someone.  Fate causing the timing. Love causes the passion. These two things mixed together can make to people so happy for the rest of their life, but only if they do it right. Love and fate are so precious and so delicate, that one wrong move can make the worst happen. This one small word is has such a big impact on people’s lives, that it’s now no longer a small word, it’s no longer a word, but a reason to live.

This ‘word’ is known as the term soul mate.


He watches her, he waits for her. Day after day, week after week, month after month. He has never had the courage to go up to her, the most he has ever said is “one de-café, one sugar please, table 17, thanks” and then walks away. He hoped that whenever he walked through the doors that she would be behind the counter, just so he can be that little bit closer to her, just so he knows that when she smiles is just for him. He’s been doing it for so long sometimes she says “de-café 1 sugar?” giving him a cheeky grin. She never worn a name tag, none of the workers did. His friends know her as the “the coffee girl,” he calls her that as well. But at the same time, she is so much more. She is the sun to the night, making it seem like life could last forever. She makes every day seem like fairy tale, she makes every day worthwhile.

He was the “de-café” boy to her. The boy that would always sit in the corner of the café. The boy that would get lost in writing in this note book. The boy that would put his fingers in the air like he was playing the air guitar but the next minute he would be tapping his fingers on the table. He wasn’t one of those, I can play an instrument you should love me boys, he was someone who you won’t know loved music, with such a passion and lives in music’s life, until you got to know the real him, until you watched him, for only then would you see what he is really like. Someone who you would want to go somewhere with in the middle of the night, just for a few hours. Someone you would want to have 3am convocation with, just because she knew that she could trust him. She loved it when he walked into the room, especially in winter, when he would walk in with his jacket tightly fitted around his body, but once he finally sits down and he takes the jacket off, she can see his skin. For she sees his skin, she sees his beauty, she sees the real him. The boy that has marks on his arms, she gets scared when she sees those marks. She just wants to pull him into a hug, letting him know that everything is okay, to let him know that she will fight any harsh monster that comes here him. For when she sees his marks, she sees the love that he has for life now. She sees that he overcame that, for that reason she sees the love, she sees the dedication to life. To music, she asks herself sometimes.

This strange contempt that two people can be made for each other, seems impossible, that’s because it is. To think that there is only one person of someone. That they can go through life with the completely wrong person. For they can live their lives, for 30 years, thinking that they are happy, only to find that their partner has had an affair for the past 5 years. That scares both the de-café boy and the coffee girl. Yet, they see that in each other, without the other one knowing. She thinks that she will live life alone, for she is too scared to take that step out into the real word. As for the boy, he has been hurt beyond repair. People say that he has been broken into so many small, fragile pieces that not even the most delicate, not even the most special hands can glue him back together. In which his marks are not mark, they are not scars, but for they are stories that no one has or will ever understand. He thought about it, he thought about taking the pain away, from himself and everyone else. He thought it was his only escape, his only happiness. He was about to do it, when he bumped into someone on the way. She was still in the work clothes, a broken smile across her face. Something, no one can explain, happened to that boy that day. He made sure he knew where she worked; he had made sure that he would turn that broken smile into a new one. That girl saved that boy’s life that day, little knowing that down the track, he saved hers.

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