michael- Accident

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#imagine Michael hasn’t been home lately because of work “2 weeks babe, that’s all its going to take to finish off the album” he says kissing your forehead, grabbing his keys “okay” you whisper to him, knowing that the next 2 weeks are going to be 2 very long ones.

*2 and a half weeks later*

“It’s finished!” Michael yells walking through the door. “Finally” you say running up to him jumping into his arms. “We need to celebrate” Michael says looking into your eyes. “How?” you ask him. “By going out to dinner, go on get ready,” he tells you “but it’s already 8” you tell Michael “have you had dinner yet?” he asks you, “no” you tell him, “then come on we have to leave now” Michael tells you running to your bedroom. You went after him to also get ready for your dinner. Once it was 8.30 when you left to go to dinner.

At dinner it was all going good, Michael kept going on about how excited he was for their new album “oh and sorry for not being here for the past few weeks” he says grabbing your hands looking at you “it’s okay, your back now, no more work” you reassure him, he smiles at you “yeah, no more work.” As soon as he says that his phone rings you see it “WORK” it says, you sigh and pull your hands away “it’s fine just one phone call” you tell him, he gives you a thank-you smile and then picks up the phone and takes it outside to talk. He comes back inside and doesn’t look too happy about the phone call “I’ve got to go back, something got stuffed up, I’m really sorry” he tells you taking his jacket off of his seat. “It’s okay, I understand” you tell him. Michael pays, drops you home and then heads back to work.

Once he comes home it’s about midnight and you were trying to get some sleep, you hear Michael come into your bedroom, get changed and then jump into bed with you. He tries you pull you close like always but you move away, Michael tries again by placing his hand on your waist but you just push it away “night beautiful, love you” he says kissing your head. You keep your eyes closed trying to get some sleep. 

The next morning you wake up to an empty bed, you sigh, thinking that Michael has gone back to work, so you go down stairs to find Michael in the kitchen, he jumps when he sees you “no no no… go back upstairs” he tells you covering your eyes “why?” you ask him while laughing, “it’s a surprise” he tells you, you laugh and turn around but quickly turn back again “not until you kiss me” you tell him, he has the biggest smile on his face runs over and kisses you. Holding your face in his hands he kisses you hard, never wanting to let you go. You smile into the kiss, putting your arms around his neck. A minute later you pull away “sorry for being a jerk last night,” he tells you “it’s okay, I’m sorry for overacting last night” you tell him. He kisses you again but pulls away a second later, “now, go back to bed I’ll be there in a second” he tells you, you laugh and just go back to bed. 10 minutes later you see Michael walking into your bedroom holding a tray with enough breakfast for 2 people. “Breakfast for 2” he tells you placing the tray on your bed. You both laugh and talk though out breakfast. 

Once your done he takes the tray “stay here” Michael tells you, walking out of the room holding the tray. A minute later he comes back and craws into bed with you, pulling the donna over the top of both of you, holding you close. He starts kissing your neck; you don’t say or do anything apart from turning over looking at him in the eyes. He slowly leans in kissing you. He pulls you closer and closer slowly licking your lips. You both stay like that for a while until Michael climbs on top of you. You slide your hands under his top feeling his chest. You slowly pull is top off. He takes his lips away from your for a second as you pull his top over his head, but as soon as its off his lips go straight to your neck. A moan escapes your lips as soon as he hands go under your shirt, exploring your body. Michael quickly took your top off, but as soon as he did his phone went off. You sigh and push him off putting your top back on. He looks at you but then quickly looks at his phone ‘WORK’ it says “well are you going to answer it?” you ask, he sighs and picks it up “hello?, yeah, do I have to?, what about the other?, but… no… that’s not fair…fine” and with that he hangs up the phone and looks at you. “Y/N” he says. You don’t do anything you just storm out of the room, not looking back at him.

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