The Life of Nigel Hampton

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This is the story of a boy, a boy who would save not just the world, but the multiverse. He lives here on this planet, Earth 1. It was like any other day, Nigel a thirteen year old eighth grader was playing some basketball with his friends outside their middle school. Nigel is going for a post move in the paint. He goes for a pump fake and shoots the ball in winning the game. As he and his friends congratulated each other there were some girls watching from some bleachers a yard away.

One of the girls name is Judy. She is the second most popular student in school as well as the most popular girl  second only to Nigel. As she looks at the boys talking Nigel notices her staring and Judy immediately looks the other way. "Girl you should talk to him" one of Judy's friend says. "I don't know, what should I say?" "Just walk up and be like hey, and the others will get the hint to leave the two of you alone."

"Mmm... alright, I'll give it a try."

Judy begins to walk in Nigels direction while he is still talking with his boys. Nigel gets nervous and the others notice Judy approaching. All the kids outside begin to stop and stare as everyone knows that both Nigel and Judy like each other. However both of them cower as soon as one or the other gets near each other.

"Hey man, see ya later" said Nigel's best friend Jaylen. Judy approaches just three feet in front of Nigel. "Hey."
"Hey." An awkward silence falls on them as they quietly stand. Judy finally breaks the ice between them. "So, I was wandering if you had any plans this weekend?" Nigel nearly smiled and screamed Yes but he bit his tongue and calmly said "I currently don't have any plans at the moment." "Well would you like to go out and hang at the mall."
Nigel snickered asking "What would we do at a mall?"

"Lots of things like shopping, trying clothes..." Nigel interrupts saying "Or we could just go to the movies, get lunch, and go for a walk in the park." Judy blushes embarrassed that Nigel came up with a better date. Nigel and Judy are two of the smartest students not only in their school but the entire State. No matter what though Judy has always came second to Nigel in everything.

With that the bell rang and everyone got with their teacher to return to class. It was their last days of school as the next week would be their last in middle school. Soon all these eighth graders will soon be high school freshman in a couple of months. Soon the day was over and the kids were headed home. After another day everyone was talking about the two most popular students finally getting together. "You got it all man, I wish I could be you" said Nigel's other friend Finn.

Nigel soon arrives home walking through the door. Inside was his younger sister Brooke who was a third grader in elementary school. He looked to see his stay at home mom Elaine who was cooking dinner. "Hey mom, hey Brooke" Nigel said as he sat his things down in the living room and sat at the kitchen table. "Hey son, how was school today" his mother Elaine asked. "It was a great day today. I also got me a date this weekend too." "Really, is it that girl you've been crushing on?" "Yes it is, her name is Judy." "Well I guess it was a great day today" his mother says. "Yeah, and with it about be summer I got plenty of time to hang with her and maybe become my girlfriend." "We'll see, so do you have any homework?"

"Nope, schools about to end so our teachers aren't bothering to give us work." "Well that's great to here." Just then Nigels Dad Robert walked in through the door. "Hey dad." "What's up son?" "I got me a date this weekend with a girl, Judy." "Congratulations man. I'm proud of you. I'll drive you around if you need a ride." "Thanks dad."

Nigel smiles as he looks at his family. "I got it all he said" repeating his friend Finn before slowly losing his smile. Nigel didn't have time to stay sad when his mom said "dinners ready." "Okay" everyone said as they all prepared for dinner. After dinner Nigel collected everyone's plates and puts them in the sink rinsing them before placing them in the dishwasher. "Someone looks like their in a good mood" his mother said. "Well today has been a great day and I don't want it to stop."

Once the table was cleared and cleaned up Nigel played Uno with his sister Brooke for a while. "Nigel, what's a date" she asked. "It's just when you set a day and time to hang out with somebody really special." "Then what's a girlfriend?" "A girlfriend is just a really special friend who's a girl or in your case it would be future a boyfriend. It'll make sense later" Nigel said rubbing his sisters head. "Alright brother, if you say so. I would also like to say Uno Out, I win. Hahaha." "Ugh, again. This game is rigged."

Later on in the night the Hampton family decides it's time to retire to bed. Once Nigel was done getting  ready he wished everyone a goodnight as did they to him. He hops into bed and curls up under the covers smiling as he turns out the lights. At midnight Nigel is deep asleep when a blue light shines through his bedroom window. Then the light begins to beam Nigel from his bed through his window outside towards a probe ship. As Nigel remains asleep a two variations of lightning in the colors red and blue circulate at high speeds in his backyard under the ship.

Once he is inside the ship begins to fly away going into stealth mode. With that the red and blue lightning swirling in his backyard disperses disappearing into the night. The probe continues to fly Nigel away keeping him deep in sleep. As the probe flys another joins it with a person inside. More ships like his fly in from other houses throughout the city disappearing into the night sky untracable. Nigel wakes up moaning as he looks around. It's dark in the room so he sits up and waits till his eyes to adjust. After a few minutes have past he looks to see himself not in his room.

Nigel is unsure what to do next as he begins to panic. "This is not my room, where am I?" He continues to panic but eventually calms himself down as he sits back down and sees that he is not in his night clothes. He finds himself in an all black outfit with a helmet on his head with a small lightning bolt on his chest. He tries to remove the armor, but fails miserably. He then tries the next best thing, looking for a way out.

He pounds every wall looking for any kind of opening. With no success he frustratedly bangs his forehead on the wall. Suddenly the unexpected happens when Nigel's arm begins to vibrate really fast and he runs right into another wall. "OWW" Nigel screams from the impact. His body begins to vibrate and jerks him around the room. Nigel not knowing what's going on concentrates as hard as he can and his body finally stops vibrating.

He then closes his eyes and tries to just visualize just his hand vibrating. With that his hand begins to vibrate and his consecutively hits a wall that appears to be a door. He continues to hit it as his fist begins to bleed. He keeps punching till the door is bent open. Nigel takes one last punch and the doors bust our of lace and onto the ground. Nigel walks out as his hand instantly heals in just seconds.

He quickly looks around as he sees that he is in some kind of facility. He goes through hallways with many doors on each one. He then finds himself in an auditorium. Inside hundreds more teens like Nigel are inside this vast room with all of them wearing outfits just like him ranging in all sorts of colors with various symbols as well. Nigel immediately deduces that they're in the same situation as he is. Which means all the symbols on their chest must represent their powers. They all stare at him as he is clearly mad.

Nigel then notices a man up in a enclosed booth where everyone's attention was previously to him showing up. He charges with his new found speed and even hops on top of the backs of a few teens to get a good leap towards the mysterious man. He got his fist ready to punch, but suddenly hits a invisible force feild and is launched just as fast as he ran all the way to the other side of the auditorium and collides back first into the wall.

"Ooo" everyone said. "Damn, that had to hurt. Is he is okay" some of the teens. Just like earlier he instantly heals in seconds and is back on his feet. The mysterious man then says "Ah thank you, I been needing to test this new shield out and now it is calibrated for speedsters." "Who the hell are you, and why did you kidnap all of us" Nigel asks furiously. "I am Professor Tim Drake renowned scientist, Inventor, teacher, and billionaire of Drake Enterprises. You all are part of a new project I'm working on called Project Superpower. You all are going to save the world."

"From what exactly" Nigel asks.

"From Aliens."

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