Running Out of Time

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"What's it going to be Godspeed, leave and the family lives or try to stop me and let them die. All I have to do is press this button as an impenetrable force feild surrounds them and a 2 minute countdown on the bomb begins. Nothing can get in or out and not even teleportation is going to work."

Godspeed looks over at Cypher and asks "Cypher what are the chances he would do that?"

"Based on his body language and the pitch of his voice I would say at least a 40% chance, it's unlikely, but there's still the chance he might do it" Cypher says.

Godspeed ponders what to do to save his family. "We can't run that risk, not yet. We'll just play by his rules till we have a plan. Alright, Brainwave you win. We'll leave the area and you alone. All heroes in Horizon city fall back."

Godspeed and the others slowly begin to walk back with their hands in the air.

"Thanks for playing" Brainwave says.

What happened next no one could have predicted as a yellow figure comes rushing and punches Brainwave. He twists on his feet as he loses balance and falls unconscious on the ground. The yellow speedster grabs the detonator and pushes the button as he looks up at Godspeed. "Not fast enough Flash" he says smiling as he rushes off. Godspeed rushes to his family, but a force feild forms around them as they are trapped inside with the bomb counting down. "Someone, catch that guy who ever he is now" Godspeed yells. Two heroes Speed and Power man chase the yellow speedster outside the city. Godspeed looks back through the force feild to see his family scared holding each other.

"Its alright, we're going to get you all out" Godspeed says reassuringly.

Speed and Powerman maintain a close distance, but the yellow speedster is too fast and speeds up opening a portal and runs in it. Speed and Power man try to catch up and go through, but the Portal closes just before they could go in.

Speed tumbles as he tried to dive for the portal. He gets up to see that all signs of the yellow speedster is gone. "Oh man, Godspeed is not going to be happy about this" Speed says.

"You don't think that guy was one of us, right" Powerman asks.

"No, he was clearly an adult, so unless that was a speedster from the future it can't be one of us. Let's head back, we can worry about this later."

The two head back to Godspeed and the others as they try to free his family. He punches the force feild repeatedly put to no avail. "Cypher try to communicate with it. Everyone give what you got" Godspeed says. Cypher puts a hand on the sheild while putting two of her fingers on her forehead and tries to concentrate. Iron man, Supergirl, Vision and Thor blast their beams at the center of the sheild to create a weak point. "The sheild is made by Brainwave with a mixture of alien tech. If I can just, hold on I think I can create an opening" Cypher says. The others stop blasting as Cypher creates an opening in the sheild. Godspeed bends down and extends a hand out.

"Okay, I'm taking the little girl first."

"Alright Brooke, you go first" their dad says.

Brooke crawls out first as Godspeed reaches for her hand and pulls her out. He goes for his mom's hand next, but the shields opening closes.

"Cypher open the sheild again" Godspeed says.

"I can't, the sheild is shutting me out I can't connect with it."

Speed and Powerman show up and report back.

"GS, we chased the guy down, but he was too fast for us and escaped through a portal, it's unclear if it was a time portal or space portal" Speed says.

"What, he got away?"

The clock was ticking as Godspeed grew more and more impatient as 50 seconds were left before the bomb would blow up.

"Cypher hurry up we're losing time here."

"I'm trying, I can't get through."

Velocity held Brooke tight by the shoulders as she tried to reach for her parents. Godspeed looking distraught with his yellow eyes looking sad took off his mask revealing his identity to his family.

"Mom, Dad, I just want to say that I'm sorry. I kept this a secret from you and it's the biggest mistake I made. I never wanted this, I thought I was doing the right thing helping others, but now I have just put you in harm's way. It's all my fault, I'm sorry."

Nigels mom and dad put their hands on the sheild and Nigel and Brooke do the same. "Its not your fault, you were doing what you thought was the right thing. You were putting the needs of the many over the few. We're that few. We love you both with all our hearts. You're our greatest gift and you'll always be our happiness" their mom says with tears running down her face.

She takes her hand and covers her mouth as the countdown was at 20 seconds.

"Take care of your sister" their dad says.

"No, don't talk like that I'm going to get you both out of here."

Godspeed took both of his arms and vibrated so fast he literally was starting to shake the ground. He was moving at his maximum speed which he has never done till now. The other heroes start to move away as the bomb was about to go off. Velocity hands Brooke over to Supergirl as she tries to get Godspeeds to safety.

"GS, we have to go!"

"No, I can save them."

"It's impenetrable, you'll never get through."

"Just watch me."

The bomb was at 5 seconds and Velocity knew asking was not an option. She webs Godspeeds arm at the last second when he miraculously created a opening, but it was too late. She pulls him away as the sheild goes down and the bomb explodes. The blast had a range of 2 miles knocking most of the heroes unconscious. After a few minutes of being unconscious Godspeed wakes up with a ringing in his head. He looks to see Brainwave being carried off by some of the space wasps. He looks down as he can't feel his arms and screams in horror.


The bottom half of his arms were complete blown off with a touch of bone below his elbows. He looks as his arms were more than just healing, but regenerating. His bones grew back as his muscle formed around it, and then his skin. Within a minute both arms regenerated back with his suit forming back around his arms. He looked to see if the others were okay. They were all getting up as he then remembered "Where's Brooke!?" Supergirl had protected her from the explosion as Godspeed gives a sigh of relief.

Then he remembered the explosion, mom and dad were right there. He runs to where the bomb had exploded and all that remained was some flattened buildings and a huge crater size hole. Godspeed goes down to the center and sifts his hand through ash. He clenches his fist as he failed to do the one thing he swore to protect, his family. He gets up and pulls down his mask and climbs up. The other heroes wait above as he comes from out of the hole and starts walking.

"Velocity, take Brooke and the others back to base, I'll be back."

Velocity and the others look at Godspeed as they have never seen him this mad. Velocity hands Brooke back over to Supergirl. She runs in front of Godspeed and says "GS wait, you don't what you up against. You can't just go looking for trouble."

She puts a hand on Godspeeds chest and stops him in his tracks. His yellow eyes sharpen as he gets mad. He moves her hand and walks again.

"Velocity take the others back to base and stay out my way."

Velocity refuses to be denied for she knows what Godspeed is doing is suicide. She runs in front of him again, and stands there with her arms crossed.

"Godspeed, I refuse to see yourself get hurt or worse. If you wish to leave you're going to have to get past me."

"Jude, I don't won't to hurt you, so don't give me a reason to."

"I'm afraid I have too, and let's call this a rematch. May I remind you I'm second in command, and had you not pulled off that after image beat down on me I'd be the leader of the Elites, not you. Unless your afraid that you'll loose again."

"Ha ha, I really didn't want to do this, but if it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get."

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