Training Project Superpower: The Great Race

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Nigel was relaxing at home getting ready for his date with Judy. "When do you leave son" his mom asks. "It's at noon and it's eleven already. What if something goes wrong? What if she stands me up?"

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." He waits and just a minute before noon his watch begins to flash. It was Drakes signal that it is time to train. "You got to be kidding me" Nigel says frustratedly as his phone suddenly dings. He looks to see it's a text from Judy. "Sorry, something has just popped up maybe next weekend" he reads. Nigel gets up and heads to the door.

"Is she here yet" mom asks. "No she cancelled so we gonna try next week. I'm just gonna hangout at the mall, I'll see you later."

"Alright, be safe out there and no talking to strangers." Alright he says as he begins to walk down the street and out of sight. He then presses his watch and is instantly teleported to a beach. "What the..." as he looks around to see the other teens having fun. No other peopel were in sight and behind them was a tiki bar and a line of palm trees.

"DRAKE, where the hell are we" Nigel shouts. Drake walks from behind the tiki bar with a coconut drink waering a Hawaiian shirt and shorts with a sombrero on his head.

"You are on my private island. You all are going to start your training here with a race, but enjoy yourself have an ice cream while we wait."

Nigel looks around to see that everyone still had their masks on including himself. More teens arrived in beach wear with similar mask on their faces too. "Hey what's going on why can't I take this off" one boy complained. "Ah ah ah, you all are to keep your masks on till I say so. I don't want anyone to know who each other are till I see you all can trust each other and work as a team."

Once everyone was present Tim Drake called for everyone's attention.
"All right everyone settle down. Now we are going to have a race to see who is the quickest and who is the slowest. This only includes speedsters not those who can fly. Everyone line up at the shore." Nigel got by the water and so did every other kid with superspeed. One kid looked his way and said "Hey, who do you think is going to win?" Nigel turned his head and just stared then faces forwards towards the ocean. The kid turned and said "Oo-kay" as they got into running positions. Drake walks up just behind and with a megaphone in his hands up towards his mouth.

"All speedsters ready, on your mark, get set, Go!" With that all the speedsters dashed off right into the ocean water creating a huge gusts of wind which blew sand into everyone's face. The girls and boys jocked for position as everyone eventually fell in a line. Everyones lightning was mixing together from their different colors from red to blue to yellow, pink, and purple. Nigel was in dead last as everyone was starting to pull away. He fell into the draft behind everyones wake to try and catch up. Suddenly his body started to twitch with yellow lightning as he was suddenly getting faster. He was going so fast that he not only caught up to everyone, but had passed them up was nearly a quarter of a mile ahead.

With that Nigel charged ahead right for the shores of Horizon City. He zoomed past by a group of people who moved out of the way. He looked back for a moment as he thought he recognized one of the pedestrians. Not far behind was the annoying girl and the other speedsters. He ran through America across the atlantic into Europe. There they run through Paris and pass up some biker on the Tour De France. "Ca c'était quoi" a biker said.

Nigel zips past under the Eiffel Tower as the other speedsters follow him into the city where they quickly parkour through the narrow streets and across the city buildings. Back in the Pacific Nigel races to the island as a Humpback whale launches from the water as he runs underneath it. He stops on an instant on the beach and covers one teen with his ice cream in sand. "1:35:33 or just 1 minute 35 seconds." The annoying girl came in at 1 minute 38 seconds and by the time all the speedsters arrived the last speedsters time was 2 minutes 11 seconds. "Hey bud, you just ruined my ice cream." Nigel looks and walks away without a word.

The annoying girl apologies for Nigels behavior and runs off returning with a new ice cream cone. "Thankyou" he says. "Anytime. So Drake, what are we to do if we can't know each others names" she asks.

"I will give each of you a number based on where you rank in skills. First everyone will get a proper outfit so if you have any ideas for them let me know. Also figure out what your hero names are going to be." Nigel catches note of this before hitting his watch and teleports back home. The annoying girl tries to speak with him before he leaves but is too late. The boy who tried talking to Nigel before the race comes by and says "Hey, don't take it personally. He's more than likely gonna give everyone the silent treatment." She looks at the area where Nigel teleported from before walking away.

"Alright, all flyers are up" Drake says with a megaphone. Nigel appears in his room and gets a piece of paper. He thinks about his suit design and starts sketching it down and writes the name Godspeed. Drawing is one of Nigel's many talents as he sketches out his suit. Once Nigel is finished he runs down the stairs to the living  room to his mom's surprise. "When did you get home" she said. "An hour ago, I was in my room."

"Well I'm sorry for what happened earlier today."

"It's okay mom, that's the least of my troubles."

She was sitting on the couch watching the news as they had a special report for a mysterious occurrence at the waterfront near the beach of Horizon City. "Horizon Heights news here I'm
Alexa Hall here at Horizon Heights waterfront where videos have surfaced online. If you slow it down you can see a blur of an object with yellow streaks of lightning that is then followed by more lightning of varying colors zoom by. I'm here where I got some more insight of what happened here."

A little boy appeared on the screen and said "I just saw all this color go by. It was so fast."

"It's the craziest thing it just came from the ocean onto land and just went right along. It kicked up a bunch of wind and sand too" a older man said.

"I was like what was that, so I just pulled out my phone and started recording. It was unbelievable" a teen girl said.

"Looks like this day is full of surprises isn't" Mrs.Hampton said.

"Yes, it is" Nigel said in agreement.

Back on the island the annoying girl couldn't help but ponder how she can help Nigel adjust to his new situation. Meanwhile the ice cream boy won the flight race and dubbed the fastest flyer. "Hey drake" one speedster asked "How did that one kid win the foot race when he was so far behind."

Drake smiled and said "I'm not entirely sure but I believe this, he is special and he is going to be our savior. I know it."

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