The Arrival

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The heroes traversed the globe dividing themselves into teams onto every continent. Godspeed led the Elites with a group of heroes into the city where the largest ship was located. They arrive beneath the ship looking up in the sky as the ship hovers above. Godspeed looks to Superman and says "Take a look and see if you can't communicate with them. Find out what they want and see if we can do anything to help keep the peace."

Superman nods and flys up in the air to the ship. Godspeed then looks to a female hero by the name Cypher a technopath. "Cypher I want you to connect me to every available network to all political leaders of every nation including the U.N."

"Ok" she said.

She closed her eyes and connected Godspeed through a holo projector on Godspeeds wrist. "Mr.President, you don't know who I am so let me introduce myself. I am Godspeed leader of the Elite Hero Unit, we are here to help."

"I don't know how you got on this monitor, but since I have you let me ask you this. I've seen what you and your fellow heroes have done these past several months. Why now do you choose to come out in the open?"

"We've been expecting their arrival, till now we've been preparing behind the scenes. All we request is that you and the other nations hold your fire and give us a chance to make peace with the aliens."

"Fine, if you can resolve the matter quickly, but until they leave they pose a threat to our planet. We have every right to attack in self defense."

"Understood Sir."

Back in the air Superman examines the ship. He then notices that a hatch opens and from it a alien emerges and flys to him. The creature was black and tall with long insect like legs and large beaded eyes. In it's arm it help a weapon ready to fire.

"I'm Superman, I don't mean any harm. I'll I want is to know who you are and why you are here?"

(<Translated Speak>) 

< We are the Vespids and we are here for a relic, something as old as time itself. It's a ancient source of power which is important that we find for our race. It is of the essence that we find it for the survival of our race depends on it.>

Superman checks in on his com speaker and reports back to Godspeed and the others.

"GS, they're the Vespids and they're looking for an ancient relic of some kind. Apparently it has powerful capabilities and saying it's of the upmost importance they find it as the survival of their race depends on it."

"A powerful relic here, are we sure we want to help them find that" Velocity says.

"That sounds like trouble to me" says 7th in command Shadow.

"What do we GS" Gwen 10 asked.

"Superman, ask them what this relic looks like. What can it do and what's their plans for and do they mean us any harm."

"What does this relic look like and what can it do?"

<It looks like a stone unlike what you ever seen. It has the power to destroy and with it we can power our weapons. The universe is bigger than you may think with other alien races. One threatens our very existence and has the means to wipe out our race. If not stopped he will arrive on Earth soon. With this relic we can destroy him and his forces.>

"Do you mean any harm to the human race?"

<We have no interest in starting a fight with your planet. It's not our intentions to hurt you, but if the relic is not found we will use any means to find it. All reports say that the relics last known location is here on Earth. >

"I'll be back" Superman says as he flys back to Godspeed and the others on the ground.

"What's the problem" Godspeed says.

"The aliens are apparently using this stone to defend themselves from an alien conqueror and destroyer. If not stopped they say he will arrive on Earth in the near future. They know the stone is here and if not found will use any means necessary to find it."

"In other words lethal force" Godspeed says.

"We have no choice, helping them is our best bet. It's the only peaceful solution we have to ensure no blood is spilled on either side. Mr. President, U.N. leaders, please hold off on any attack to ensure the world's safety."

"Fine but if things go south we will attack before these space wasps can attack us" says Mr. President.

"Same here" says a leader from the U.N.

"We'll move diligently and efficiently to find the stone. Alright Elites, we are looking for a stone of great power. Scour the globe for any unusual energy signatures. One will more than likely be this stone they're wanting. Now move. Hero out."

All the heroes started looking for high or unknown energy signatures around the globe. No matter where they looked they were coming up empty handed. Meanwhile the President instructs all bases get their missiles ready and weapons loaded in case a war ensues. One base has an experimental missile ready call Perignon Falcon that soars at high speeds to its intended target. Two guards in charge of the missile get up for a bathroom break. One gaurd accidentally spills his drink and starts a silent countdown sequence.

Meanwhile the heroes cannot find anything that could be the stone. "Vibe what are we missing here" Godspeed asks.

"We looking for energy signatures we know of, maybe we should search for ones we don't instaed" Vibe says as he adjust the settings to the satellite scanner.

Back with the gaurds as they return back from their restroom break they look at the screen to see that the countdown had just ended. One of the gaurds spits out his new drink.

"Sam what did you do" says Dave.

"I don't know, I just spilled my drink and cleaned it up. I thought the computer was fine.

"We're dead and so is the world thanks to you. Give me the phone" demands Dave.

"Mr. President, you have a call" says a servant.

"From who?"

"It's from Project Perignon Falcon sir."

"This is the president speaking."

"Mr. President, we have a problem on our hands."

"What's the problem major?"

"Project Perignon Falcon has launched Sir and is headed towards the mother ship in Cali over Horizon City."


"We're sorry sir."

"Can't you disable it?"

"It's no good we're not going to stop it in time. It's approaching the target now in T-minus 8 seconds."

Godspeed and the others suddenly hear a loud whistle in the air. It was the missile heading towards the mothership.

"We told them to wait" Velocity shouts.

"Idiots. Superman stop that missile."

Superman was close, but he simply was not close enough as the missile collided with the ship causing a massive explosion. The blast was so powerful it created a sonic boom pushing Superman back and shattered the glass of every building in the city.

The heroes covered their ears as the blast decipated. They all looked up at the mother ship to see it intact. A protective sheild flashed around the shop before disappearing. They all got into position as they waited to see what would happen. Silence filled the air before hatches opened and a black swarm cloud came out of the ship. The aliens let out war cries as they began shooting as people screamed. People were running frantic in all directions as some fell to the ground from the blast fire. The heroes charge as Godspeed reports saying "Elite Hero Unit, we are under attack."

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