Tim Drake

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"Aliens" everyone says surprised with question. "He must be joking" some laugh. "No, aliens are real they are" another teen says. Tim Drake jumps into the commotion and says "Aliens are real and I have proof."

"Where's your proof then" a boy teen says challenging Dr.Drake. He displays a picture on a screen above his booth where he displays a picture of a UFO. "That's fake, that doesn't prove anything." Despite the backlash and criticism Dr.Drake remained unfazed with the blankest of expressions on his face as he stared. Then what he says next no one would have expected, "You there step forward." A kid in armor with a fist symbol on his chest over what seemed to be a grey tank top step forward. His face was covered with a face mask but Nigel could see his skin tone was white.

Drake continues to say "Now I want one of you, doesn't mater who, to punch him in the stomach." Immediately everyone was talking surprised by this comment leaving some with concern. Nigel and some others grew infuriated as they shout "Are you crazy! Why the hell would we do something like thay?"

Amist the chaos one kid took the opportunity and punched the masked kid in the stomach while everyone was distracted. "Ahhhhhh" the kid screamed as he fell on his knees clenching his stomach with his hands. "Great now look at what you've done" exclaims Nigel.

The boys eyes begin to glow white as he starts to grow in size. He starts to growl as he grows so big he rips his shirt. Then his helmet cracks until it splits in two and falls to the ground. Everyone steps as far back as they can and see that the boy has become a grey colored monster, a Hulk.

The grey Hulk then roars at everyone in the room and faces the boy who punched him in the stomach. Now the boy is scared he might get pummeled or worse by grey Hulk. "Ooh, wrong one" Drake says realizing his mistake. He looks among the hundreds of teen kids and points to another boy in similar gear. "Somebody punch him, fast" Drake says ecstatic. As instructed another kid punches this boy right in the face.

In similar fashion the boy starts to grow ripping his shirt, helmet and shoes. His eyes glowed a fire blue hue and surprisingly a tail and a load of spikes on his back. He too was a Hulk but looked like a lizard hybrid. The grey Hulk catches note of this and runs towards this other hulk. The two battle it out but the grey hulk gets the upper hand until the lizard Hulk shoots atomic breath into the others face. He then tackles him and punches him in the face repeatedly till he transforms back. He roars victorious over the downed hulk. Then everyone realizes that this other hulk is part Godzilla.

"Now I know that most of you should know this monster." "It's Godzilla" one kid says. "Yes, now I bet all of you believe the Japanese got the idea for this movie monster after the dropping of the atomic bombs. Well I'm here to tell you they did but not because they were inspired."

He presses a button as a image of a Gojira skeleton appears on screen from 1945 shortly after the bombing. "Footage I intercepted from old data drives hidden by the Japanese. They discovered it two months after the bombs exposed some of the skeleton. I used my satellites to scan the earth and there is at least ten other skeletons of Titans across the globe. Ancient species long extinct before the dinosaurs."

"What makes you so sure that aliens are coming to earth" asks a girl. Nigel turns towards her as something about her catches his attention. Tim Drake switches to a photo of a crop circle but in it a date is shown in the middle. 8/25/23. "That's almost a year from now" a girl shouts.

"Yes, and now you all are going to save the planet from them. I have hand picked all of you for this task."

"We're just kids, what makes you think we can save the entire planet."

"You all are young, smart, and don't have your own ideals yet. You're still learning and you will pick up on the training I will give you much faster than adults. Also adults likely wouldn't listen to me unlike you all where I have authority and have more control if you guys rebell."

Nigel counters with a question "What makes you think we will help you with this?"

"Well if you don't I can happily remove your powers and erease this from your memory and send you on your marry way. Or you could keep your powers, stay and train, and enjoy the many amenities that this secret base offers like a theater room, recreation area, gym, all 1,346 get your own private quarter rooms. Did I also mention the cafeteria and the basketball courts."

"So everyone are you in or are you out make up your minds quickly."

"I'm in."
"Me too."
"Count me in."
"I'm up for it."

One after another everyone agreeded to help Tim Drake weather they believed him or not. All that was left was Nigel who was still mad for being kidnapped in the first place. The girl from earlier noticed that Nigel was the only person not to agree nor to say anything. She turns her head to face him and says "Come on. Just say yes."

Nigel turns to face her with a crossed face but all she could see was his mouth and eyes somewhat squinted. "No" he says sternly. The girl ask again saying "Come on, please, he just asking for help."

"I said No alright" he replied annoyed.

The girl was persistent and said "Then say yes for me" she says with conviction.

Nigel was surprised by this and wanted to argue back, but by this time everyone was staring waiting for his answer. "Fine, I'm in I guess" he says reluctantly. He looks at the girl as he found it hard to argue with her. Something about her held him back and he didn't know why. Drake then continues with his proposition.

"Great, the deal is simple. You all will meet on weekends here to train till your our of school. Once you all are out we will train during the week as well till you all go back to school. We keep this training regiment till the alleged date of the aliens return. As your reward you can use the place as your base of operations and enjoy everything here I have to offer."

"Question. Where the heck are we and how are we suppose to get back here wherever this place is" a random kid shouts.

"You all should have a built in teleporter watch on your wrist. The location of this place is already set in there, so please don't mess with them other than to teleport here and to your homes. Your training starts tomorrow so be ready. I'll send you a signal when it is time for you to teleport. I wish you all the best" as everyone pushed their buttons to teleport home. Nigel gave Drake one more glance out of annoyance and hit his watch and he was back in his room. He pondered to himself what on earth did he just agree to as he turns the lights on to look at a family photo. It was a picture of his mom, dad, sister, and himself having fun together. "We had a great time didn't we. You all are most important to me, and I promise to protect you from any harm that comes our way. You're all I have left." With that he lays the photo back on his nightstand and turns the lights out.

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