The Training Trails

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June 4, 2022

School had finally ended and summer began, but it was not all fun in games. Nigel continuously had to lie about where he was for the duration of the day so he could train. Drake pushed all the teens to put in the work to hone in their powers and create a workout routine to stay in peak condition. One of the first things to get done was to come up with hero names as well as a team name. All the teens through out their ideas. "What about teenage mutant heroes."

"Are you kidding me. There's nothing about us that's mutant."

"The Avengers, no Justice League."

"That's taken already."

Everyone shouts out their ideas for names, but the annoying girl looks over at Nigel a.k.a. Godspeed or GS. It was Nigels idea. Godspeed was sitting off to the side just watching everyone argue like teenagers would. Annoying girl gets everyones attention and says "GS, do you have an idea for our team name?" Godspeed thinks for a moment and says "How about the Elite Hero Unit". "What do you think everyone" Annoying girl asks. Everyone agrees to the name becoming the Elite Hero Unit.

Second outfits were made in the fabrication room where everyone designed and put their own spin on their outfits. Nigel made his suit out of light durable friction resistant fabric, with gold eyes, lightning bolt and ear wings. He also installed retractable claws on the finger tips. He made the outfit black so he would look intimidating. "Nice outfit GS, makes you look cool and Scary" ice cream boy said.

"That's the idea" Godspeed said.

Godspeed looked to see that Ice cream boy made his suit with nice detailed patterns on his suit. It was black with a big white S in a diamond shape symbol. "Wonder what his name is" Godspeed said to himself.

Godspeed looked over to see the annoying girl in her outfit. She had a red eye mask with big white eyes. Her suit was red with a golden spider on her chest with lightning bolts on both sides as the legs. "What's your hero name" Godspeed asks curiously. "Velocity. I tried to come up with a name to included my spider powers, but they didn't sound right."

June 6, 2022

With everyone established with their names training could finally start. Everyone was in their respective groups based on their power sets of speed, strength, intellect, tech, and multi power. The first battle was a last man standing scenario where they had to fight each other till one person was left standing. The fights from here till the end of their training was held in a large arena room with stadium seats surrounding it. Godspeed and Velocity were among the top 10 to finish. The ice cream boy now called Superman won this training battle, but there was more to come. The results were collected and everyone was ranked based on where they had finished. This would not be permanent since everyone would have a chance to rank up later on in the 1v1 battles.

June 7- 21, 2022

Over the course of the next two weeks everyone was put in a 1v1 battle with the chance to rank up or down depending if they won against the person ahead of them or lose to the person below. Those at the bottom went first to try and rank up and work their way to the top. Some heroes if they wanted to could challenge heroes ranks above them, but if they lose to the higher ranked hero they would suffer a huge drop in their rank. Most stayed in the ranks they were already in till the mid 700s. Godspeed grew tired of watching as nothing had changed with a few surprise victories here and there.

Godspeeds time had arrived with his first opponent being a boy who called himself Green Latern. A holographic ai system called H.A.L.O. started a countdown "The fight begins in 3...2...1 Go!" Godspeed and Lantern charged at each other at full speed. Godspeed went for a running punch, but Latern created a large fist at the last second. Godspeed was knocked into a energy sheild wall enclosing them in the fight arena to protect the other spectating heroes. Godspeed gets back on his feet and runs circles around lantern. He landed hit after hit while Lantern tried to counter his attacks with a machine gun to keep him at bay. Godspeed runs up a wall onto the ceiling and leaped off above lantern up in the air. Lantern creates a shield to block, but Godspeed punches right through it and grabs him knocking them to the floor. Godspeed tries to take him down for the win, but Lantern blasts GS with his ring. GS charges as Lantern goes for a punch, but Godspeed catches his punch in the palm of his hand, and punches Lantern right in the cheek as Lantern looses his footing and trips onto the floor. With that the match concludes with H.A.L.O. stating "Match over, winner Godspeed win #1. Green Lantern loss #2. "Congratulations" Green Lantern said extending his hand. Godspeed paused and looked at Lanterns hand of gesture. He hesitated, but shook his hand and walked away.

July 2022 - May 2023

Over the course of 11 months Godspeed moved up the ranks with ease and had beaten everyone he has fought. His next fight was with Superman. Superman had remained on top since the battle royale having the most wins in fights compared to everyone else. H.A.L.O. starts the fight with the words "On your mark. Get set. Go." Godspeed makes the first move and punches Superman right in the face, but with no affect. Superman smiles and slaps Godspeed across the arena. Godspeed groans as he slowly gets up. He knows Superman has been the top student with only a handful of losses. Godspeed has been carefully observing each fight trying to deduce everyones strengths and weaknesses. He determines Superman had no weakness, but he does have limitations. Godspeed starts to run around in the arena landing hit after hit from top to bottom and from left to right. Punch after punch and Kick after kick Superman was struggling to counter as Godspeed was near invisible at the speeds he was going. Superman fell to the ground as his invulnerability was weaking, so he uses his eyes to keep up with Godspeed. He went to punch, but Godspeed caught his punch causing a small shockwave. Godspeed punches Superman repeatedly in the face ending with an uppercut knocking Superman out. "Winner Godspeed win #1,345, still undefeated."

With this win Godspeed had one more opponent to face for the top spot to determine the EHU leader. The final fight was between Godspeed and Velocity. Velocity entices Godspeed with some trash talk saying "Guess it's between you and me. Don't feel to bad if you get your butt kicked by a girl." For the first time in nearly 11 months Godspeed speaks responding with a chuckle. "Ha ha ha, trust me, it's you who's going to feel bad that you even fought me in the first place." The other heroes see this and start conversing amongst each other. H.A.L.O. starts the fight "Ready. Set. Go." The two start to run circles in the enclosed arena as the two seem evenly matched. Velocity tries to switch things up by shooting some webs which Godspeed trips over falling from the walls to the floor. Velocity leaps down for a punch, but Godspeed runs out of the way. She combines her speed and webs together, and soon gains the upper hand. Everyone starts to cheer, but Godspeed is not pleased. Velocity webs up both his hands, but he pulls her towards him punching her. Godspeed then begins to vibrate his body so fast he creates copies of himself. Velocity gets up to see 10 Godspeeds surrounding her. All 10 Godspeeds jump her running all around the arena punching her back and forth across the arena till she looses her balance and falls. Then all the Godspeeds merge back into one.

Godspeed walks over and starts to punch Velocity in the face repeatedly. He continues until he stops to see her bleeding from her nose and mouth. He realized he let his anger get the best of him so he grabs Velocitys hand, and used his instant heal powers on her while helping her up."Sorry, I got a little carried away there" Godspeed apologizes. "All's forgiven. I was beating you up pretty badly there" Velocity says. With that H.A.L.O concludes the match saying "Winner Godspeed, win #1,346, still undefeated." With that Drake announces from his watch booth "Congratulations Godspeed, you're now the official leader of the Elite Hero Unit. Now everyone, take off your masks, and reveal who you are."

Everyone takes off their masks, and are surprised to see many are each others friends and classmates. Godspeed sees that a good portion of the heroes are his own 9th grade classmates. The two heroes Superman and Green Lantern were Godspeeds own friends Jalylen and Finn. Velocity takes her mask down to reveal herself as Judy. Godspeed now feels ashamed for his behavior, but everyone chants for him to remove his mask. "GS, GS, GS, GS, GS, GS." Godspeed puts his hand in the air, and everyone stops as he take off his mask. To his surprise all of his schoolmates and friends were happy to see their best friend to be their new leader. Nigel looks at Judy with a uncertain smile as she does the same. All his friends rush to him and start clamoring about everything that has happened. There was a lot to discuss.

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