Chapter 15

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I leisurely strolled around my new room, taking in all the details. I should have been glad to be out of the dungeon, but the whole situation made me weary. The more I thought about it, the more I believed this was the alpha's way of saying keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. What I didn't know was why she was keeping me around at all. Why hadn't she tried to kill me yet?

The room wasn't quite as extravagant as the alpha's, but it was nice and had its own bathroom and shower. My stomach grumbled, it was nearing noon and I hadn't had anything to eat since my midnight sandwich. I opened the door and just as expected, there was a guard standing watch on the other side.

"Am I allowed to go get something to eat or am I expected to starve to death?" I asked the guard sarcastically.

"If it were up to me, you would starve!" He answered angrily.

"Good to know." I said and rolled my eyes.

I tried my luck, by taking a step out of the bedroom door, but when he didn't pounce on me, I continued down the hallway. I followed my nose towards the kitchen and walked inside. Someone was cooking something that smelled really good.

I paused in the doorway when I saw several females inside, each doing some domestic task. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at me like I was the plague, but I couldn't blame them really, our kind wasn't exactly chummy with theirs. I was sure they were just as confused about my presence here as I was.

There was a particularly beautiful blonde that caught my attention with a sneered and low warning growl. After looking her over, I wondered if this was the alpha's Luna. She seemed to carry herself with much more pride than the others. I snatched an apple from a nearby bowl and turned to leave before I wore out my welcome.

My hunter senses told me of impending danger before it struck. I snatched around and caught a chef's knife as it flew through the air towards my back. The blonde who threw it gasped at my speed and agility as I turned the blade towards her. I stabbed the blade through her lovely sweater, anchoring her to the table with it.

"I am not the one for you to play with!" I hissed as I leaned closer to her, proving to her that I was neither afraid nor shaken by her petty display. Her eyes simmered with anger and I was sure that we were about to come to blows, but a long low howl in the distance stopped all of us in our tracks.

Goose bumps broke out across my flesh as everyone in the kitchen abandoned their posts and raced in the direction of the one that was howling. Something was very wrong, even the one that was supposed to be guarding me, left. I pried the knife out of the wooden countertop and held it close to my side.

I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen at a speedy pace and I braced myself for whatever it was. My tense muscles uncoiled as Ella rushed inside and glued herself to me by wrapping her arms and legs around one of my legs.

"What's going on?" I asked her as I pried her from my leg and scooped her up into my arms.

"That was a warning call. They're attacking our home." She said nervously and glanced around. Her little body trembled all over. I pulled her closer to my chest in an effort to calm her. I figured as much. But what creature on Earth would be so foolish as to attack a Lycan's pack? "It's coming!" Ella wailed. "It's in the house, I can smell it!"

"What's in the house?" I asked the frantic child that was clinging on to me for dear life.

"A werewolf." She squeaked.

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