Chapter 24

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"Kai." I sneered as he prowled around me. He circled me like a vulture and my grip on the hilt of the knife tightened. There was something about him that I had not liked from the very minute that I laid my eyes on him.

"I've been tracking you since I saw you leave the house. I must say, I never thought that you would make it this far."

I didn't answer him. He was playing cat and mouse with me this entire time and I loathed being the mouse in any situation. He stepped closer to me and I eased backwards to keep a distance between us.

"You are smart, little huntress, and resilient. You did an excellent job of throwing the others off your trail by treading through the water, all except me, of course." His smile was wicked and it had my stomach clinching in knots. He step towards me again.

"I would keep my distance if I were you. This knife may not kill you, but it's entirely capable of amputating certain body parts." I glanced down at his package with an unimpressed expression on my face. My words had the desired effect. His face blanched with anger and he stopped closing in on me. I watched as he took a small breath and collected himself before speaking again.

"You've made a grave mistake, leaving the safety of the pack. Lisa has some unforeseen fascination with you, I on the other hand, do not. I intend to make you die a slow and painful death, very fitting for a huntress." His eyes scorched a trail down my body, resting too long on my intimate parts. I felt bile burn the back of my throat as he once again closed in the distance between us. He laughed as I brought the knife forward.

"There's no way you are going to kill me with that little toy, you might as well put it down. If you do, I might make your death a little quicker than I had originally planned."

"You underestimate me. Your mistake." Before he could even blink, I stabbed him in the chest with my knife and swiped his legs from underneath him. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. I didn't waste one second of my precious time, I took off and ran as fast as I could, I had to put some distance between us. It wouldn't take him long to recover from my assault.

I ran as far and as fast as I could, but I could already hear him, he was quickly gaining in on me. I stopped and looked around. What was I going to do? I had no weapons, no backup and certainly couldn't outmatch his strength. My only chance was to outsmart him, which shouldn't be too difficult.

I glanced up, the forest was dense and I could easily travel from tree to tree. Lycans couldn't climb and he would have a hard time detecting a scent that was up in the air. I quickly scaled the closest tree. The bark bit into the flesh of my hands, but I continued to climb until I was almost to the top. I looked down, but luckily I didn't see Kai yet.

I carefully, but quickly made my way from tree to tree. I stopped dead and hid on the opposite side of a large tree when I heard him below. I glanced down, he had shifted back into his wolf form and was searching the ground desperately for my scent.

I tried to calm my laboured breathing in hopes that it wouldn't give my position away. My pulse raced as I watched him shift again. He was so close to the tree that I was in, I knew he could tell that I was close by.

"I can smell your sweet fragrance, little huntress. I know that you are near."

I gasped out loud when he grabbed the trunk of the tree which I was in and twisted it. To my horror, he snapped the tree trunk like it was a twig. I tried to jump over to the next tree, but I was too late. I ducked and rolled when my body crashed to the ground followed by the big tree. Luckily, I moved out of the way of the downed tree, but I could only lay there on my back, gasping for air after falling so far and hitting the ground so hard.

Kai was on top of me in a matter of seconds. I pushed against his body weight as he leaned down over the top of me. My heart thunder in my chest as he leaned down, pushed the neck of my shirt aside and sniffed the spot between my neck and shoulder.

"The alpha marked you, how sweet. Maybe I should do a little marking of my own."

He ran his greasy, sweaty face along my skin. His touch was nothing like Lisa's. Kai's touch made me want to hurl.

"I have decided to be merciful. I will let you live, for a while, anyway. What better punishment for a huntress than to become exactly what she hates most in this world?"

My mind went blank and my muscles tensed at his words. He was threatening to change me. I panicked at the mere thought of being turned into werewolf. I would rather die a thousand deaths!

He never eased the hold that he had on me as he quickly shifted back into his wolf. It snapped and growled at me, pinning me mercilessly to the ground with its front paws.

"No!" I screeched and fought against his hold with every bit of strength that I had left, but I was no match against the massive beast. He growled revealing his razor sharp teeth. The drool from his muzzle dripped down on my exposed shoulder. I was helpless, the feeling made me panic even more. This was it, in a matter of seconds, I would be turned into one of the vilest creatures that ever walked the Earth.

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